Thursday, February 24, 2005

Too many roosters

The result of too many roosters

Roosters tend to hang on to the hens' combs and the feathers on their heads. We currently have too many roosters, so this poor pullet is looking a little plucked.

Teenagers probably wouldn't want so many boyfriends, if it meant they'd end up bald like this.

Roosters for sale!


  1. How cool to surf onto another blog I visit and see her recommend your blog. Congratulations!

    I finally got my blog resurrected this week.

    Keep your wonderful posts and pictures coming...I read every day!

  2. Thanks Kelli! I love your blog. I'm going to add a link as soon as I can figure out how to wrestle with Blogrolling a little.

  3. I meant... I love YOUR blog! LOL

  4. you don't have any hens for sale? I'm looking for some Rhode Island Reds that are ready to lay me fresh eggs so I don't have to eat the tasteless evilly farmed ones from the Pig...

    and thanks for linking to my blog! i'm adding you to my sidebar.

  5. Thanks Rhodent, I kind of figured that's what you meant. :) Your poem was hilarious BTW. And thanks for turning me on to Happy and Blue 2!

    Hana, sorry no hens for sale right now. Have you looked in the Farmer's Bulletin? There are usually some for sale in there... at the end of each ad it shows the county they're in. We might have some RIRs for sale but it's going to be months down the road.

    MM, I love it! I really enjoy reading your stories.

  6. Woke up this mornig with this on my mind... I have heard the expression "hen-pecked" often used, but it seems to me that "rooster-pecked" should at least have equal time.

    Maybe I should go back to bed?

  7. That is kind of sad and funny at the same time.

  8. The poor baby, she is also low in the pecking order so it's even worse for her. But she's one of the few who will let me pet her nowdays. A real sweetie.


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