Friday, June 17, 2005

Guess what we got

No name yet.


  1. No wait! Don't tell me........... You got a new hat!

  2. Pretty kitty! Looks like a Smudge to me :)

  3. She looks like Callie to me.

    PS What DOES Jasmine think?

  4. Oh, isn't she just about as cute as she can be?

    Luck with the name. Wait awhile, she'll tell you what it is!

  5. We have one who looks remarkably similar to your (very cute) new critter. We named our Francesca Mae Galilea. In hindsight, I should've stuck with Petunia.

    You can see her pic on my blog.

  6. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I am sooooo j-e-a-l-o-u-s!

  7. Adorable! I have a grown up Calico named Cuddles.

  8. Cats are great and this one is so cute.

  9. Ahhhhhhh!!! The little cutie!

    I vote for "Guenhwyvar". (You gotta be a geek to know that one.)

  10. Anonymous10:23 AM

    ANOTHER critter???? Very cute- looks like a Motley to me. Male or female?


  11. Wow! What a handsome face!

    Yes, what does Jasmine think of this?

  12. Anonymous11:44 AM

    what a cute little kitty. being a calico, i'll bet it's a she...did you know that calico cats are usually girls and orange tabbies are usually boys? wierd, eh?

  13. What a sweetie. That face is too cute for words. Can't wait to see the photos of this little one growing up.

  14. Cute, huh? I think this one is a female.

    She is really shy so far.

    I had thought "Callie", and then when people said "oh because she's a calico," I'd say, "No, because of Lt Calley." But I don't think anybody would get it.

    Jasmine hasn't met her yet. I thought she should get used to being here before I try to scare her off LOL.

    I like several of the names y'all mentioned but hubby is being difficult.

    I had heard before that most calicos with white in them were females, and the black/orange ones were males, but this one's mother was a female black/orange so that blows that theory! Hadn't heard that before about the orange tabbies, but I have seen a lot of orange Toms so it makes sense.

    Oh Rainypete, I can't decide if you're a card, a character, or a pistol. :)

    Karen I had to look yours up. :) (Sounds too close to hubby's old cat's name though.)

  15. My Jasmine tries to herd the cats around all the livelong day. She feels it's her job to keep them away from me. They pay her no mind.

    I had a cat that looked like that and we called her Grace.

  16. What a little sweetie pie. I'm sad to say I'm old enough to "get" the reference to Lt. Calley. Sigh.

    The first name that popped into my head when I saw the picture was "Petey". Don't ask me why.

    Right now we've got a Sparky, preceded by Skeeter, Ziggy (who was Zelda until we figured out it wasn't a girl), and Zeller. Good luck naming this sweetheart.

  17. All of my cats through the years, regardless of their given names, ended up thinking they were named Kitty. I'd say that's more of a reflection on me than on them.

  18. Calicos are white with tan, brown, and black markings. Tortishell ("torti") are what your cutie little girl is. Both are usually always female.

    Calicos are predominatly female. Males calicos, which are rare, are often called "money cats."

  19. Anonymous6:07 AM

    I'd call her Alice.

  20. I love calicos and tortoiseshells. I'd name mine "Sector". Rather than clutter up your comments, Karen, I've posted the genetic explanation. I just couldn't resist.

  21. Wayne that genetic info is fascinating, thanks!

    OK I didn't know about "torties" before, thanks for that info. This one does have white on her stomach though. So is she just confused?!


    (I left the keyboard for a few minutes and the cats wrote the above. I can't figure out what it means though.)


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