Friday, September 23, 2005

Cue the Hallelujah Chorus

There was a small problem with my business toll-free number.

It's fixed.

Some crazy company is still publishing my number as theirs, although apparently not as widely, so the spate of calls from irate Walgreens stores has slowed to a trickle.

And I'm no longer being charged $1 a minute for the insane answering machine ravings of people who don't understand the part where I say "You've reached Natural Impulse Handmade Soap" instead of "This is That Other Company Who Ripped You Off" at the start of the message. (I finally had to just unplug it.)

And it's finally ringing to the right number.

I could have sworn that I heard a little angels' rejoicing.


  1. Anonymous6:28 AM

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  2. Anonymous6:28 AM

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  3. Anonymous6:29 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Well I wasn't going to add the verification thingie to the comments, but with 3 spams in 2 minutes I may be forced to. Will wait and see...

  5. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Funny (in retrospect) how reluctant everyone has been to add spam filters to their comments areas. I recall Brian at Bandaid almost anguishing over it. But nearly every blog I visit anymore has a verification device for blocking spam. I don't hesitate over it. I just do the little bit of extra entry and then get my comment posted. It hardly seems like a bother now. But maybe it's just that I'm too infatuated with whatever I have to say to be bothered.

  6. that picture is just simply beautiful- screen saver worthy-breath taking. Good job.

  7. Little angels...
    hey! ain't they great.

    Go to the spam filter if you want to. It's just life in the new millenium, you know.

  8. I love it when the clouds are like that! We saw some clouds like those when we visited my grandparents.

    Twinks ;)

    PS My mom had to add spam blocker to her comments. It really helped!

    PSS I LOVE your pictures!

  9. Beautiful shot. What a headache the phone problem must have been.
    Go ahead and do the spam blocker. Like farsightedness after 40, I thought it would happen to other people, but not me. We don't mind typing a few extra letters....we're bloggers after all!

  10. Too bad there isn't a "verification thingie" for phones. I am still getting phone calls for the last people that had the number the phone company gave me two years ago. I rarely ever answer the phone now; I just delete the messages when I have time.

  11. Beautiful photo! I hear them singing...

    Please add pics of your pup!

  12. There's something about spammers that makes me want to hunt them down and kill* them. And those people who phone up and pretend they are answering some query you haven't made about new kitchens/windows/carpets etc.


    *not really "kill" them. Much.

  13. I hear your pain on the toll-free number problem! We have had the same toll-free number for our business for about 15 years or so and over that period several dozen other companies have published our number in their ads. I always know when it happens because we start getting a slew of calls for XYZ Insurance or ABC Airlines. Unfortunately there seems to be nothing to do but answer the phone cheerfully and politely explain, no they've got the wrong number. If the caller lets me I try to find out what number they dialed so they don't keep dialing it over again and getting us. Unfortunately, some months these false calls represent more than 80% of our phone bill. -Ouch!-

  14. Thanks y'all. Well the spam filter thing is a little annoying to me... the way they curve the words around sometimes makes me wonder if I've eaten a bad mushroom. So far I've just gotten a few spam comments, so I'm going without the filter until it gets worse I guess.


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