Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Adult Medulloblastoma

It's not such a great picture.

The light level was too low and it turned out grainy, like most of my indoor pictures do.

But I love this photo, because it means that my brother's wife is a cancer survivor. And her hair is growing back!

She had a brain tumor - an adult medulloblastoma. "Adult" because it's normally a tumor that is found in children. It's rare in adults.

Luckily, she was diagnosed quickly after the onset of her symptoms. She had surgery and came through with few serious deficits. She's had a rough time of it though, especially during radiation and chemo, and I didn't want to mention it here before now. But she's doing better every day.

Even if one of her nieces did ask why her hair was growing back in a different color.



My sister-in-law said that it helped a lot to be able to speak with other people on this Yahoogroup email list for Adult Medulloblastoma.


  1. Hooray for cancer survivors! And I love yesterday's pic of inter-species detente!

  2. I'm glad you posted this picture and told a bit of her story. More continued good health to her, and thanks to you for being a supportive sister-in-law.

  3. Woohoo for your sister-in-law..

  4. How great that she is doing so well! My mum is having chemo at the moment and will have radiotherapy afterwards, all very unpleasant but hopefully we'll be celebrating at the end of it all.

  5. Congrats to her! It's good to read about someone getting better. =)

    Thanks for the encouragement.. I hope it gets better too. Cool soaps! Handmade are the best.

  6. I needed this today. Glad she is doing well.

  7. Thanks everybody.

    Sara, my SIL did it the other way around - radiation first then the chemo. Hope your mother is on the road to recovery in no time!

  8. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Righteous. Like my main man, FC, I needed some god news after an intense and hectic day.


  9. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Great posting and good news!

    Hi, I'm Bill Corrigan, board member of the Little Louie Foundation ~ Helping to fight pediatric brain cancer ~ specifically Medulloblastoma.

    See the story about our foundation's $10,000 donation to cancer researcher Dr. Linda Van Aelst!

    Visit today!

    Tell your colleagues about how we can help researchers!

  10. My son Bryan Lee Jackson past away Feb 28 2007 Of the second time of having this cancer medulloblastoma. I will pray and have HOPE for your sister in law. Bryans Mom

  11. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Our Band Director at school actually has this type of cancer...I take hope from your experience and hope that she has the same outcome!


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