Friday, January 20, 2006

Fall wildflowers

I found these pictures of flowers that I took during the fall. I'm a lot bigger fan of the spring ephemerals than other wildflowers. Maybe because they're the first ones to appear, or because so many of the autumn ones look so much the same. There seem to be five million species of goldenrods. Ten million asters. But in the winter I start craving wildflowers of any sort. And unlike the Ontario Wanderer, who seems to have the uncanny ability to find any number of blooms in winter... in Canada... all I've got is these memories from the computer.

A Helianthus. Or maybe Heliopsis. Or something.

Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis). Lots of people have this one in their garden. It really is this red! In the wild it seems to like damp places.

Something in the aster family.

Ironweed (Vernonia sp.) & goldenrod (Solidago sp.).


  1. Boy...I really need this on this cold winter morning. (It's about 20+/- degrees outside, which is not like Canadian weather but still cold.)

    Your pictures are so bee-utiful.

  2. Lovely pictures to see right now when things are brown outside!

  3. Thanks for all the beautiful color. I was just looking at some of our summer photos and all those flowers. It's warming just to look at them.

  4. What gorgeous colors! Just what I needed on a winter day.

  5. Cardinal really likes water. On our little Waccasassa River, it grows out in the flooded forest among the pads. You are right, it really is that red. Nice shots!

  6. Thanks y'all. I was in need of a little color too!


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