Thursday, March 16, 2006

Fossil week, day 4

Alethopteris? Pecopteris? Neuropteris?

I think it's some type of seed fern, but a) the fossil isn't that clear, b) it's missing the top and bottom portions, and c) I think I'm in way over my head at this point in Fossil Week.

I believe I found this one at the in-laws' old lake house in Winston county. There was a nice little beach with lots of shale - great for onsite fossil hunting. But after pointing this out to a few of the prospective buyers, I realized that most people's standards of what constitutes a really cool house feature are just not the same as mine.


  1. hmm. people are strange. it would be a selling point for me. of course, i still have a couple of boxes of geodes in my parents' garage from summer vacations in kentucky. i like rocks!

  2. Definitely a selling point for me, too. I'm enjoying this series very much. We looked at our little fossil collection last night. Mostly bone, but one very nice piece of fossilized wood. But not a plant anywhere. So it's great to see yours.

  3. I am surely enjoying your series of photos and the informative commentary.

    I cannot understand why people wouldn't snap up the house once they found out about the fossils.

    Go figure.

  4. There's just no accounting for tastes.

  5. Thank you for declaring this week "fossil" week! It made me remember the fossils I collected when I was young on a school way day or school trip (in Germany school classes go on "holidays" together for a couple of days). I found them as decoration in the flower pots of my cacti. I cannot for the life of me remember where exactly I found them and I have no clue what they are. But I will take pictures and post them. Maybe we can make this week a worldwide fossil week.

  6. My grandfather had an old coal mine on his property and we used to go fossil hunting all the time. Last time we were there, the boys and I collected some. They had a blast.

    Glad to see this on your blog.

  7. A homesite with a fossil bed? How cozy.

  8. I'd love to see everyone else's fossil pics! Hope I didn't draw fossil week out too long. :)

  9. Cool! That is a beautiful one!


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