Friday, April 07, 2006


My Mom gave me the recipe for this yummy shrimp dish last time she was here.

1 1/2 T garlic, chopped
1 medium onion
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
8 oz can Italian whole plum tomatoes
(We used 15 oz can diced tomatoes instead & added 1 tsp Italian seasoning.)
1 lb cooked shelled shrimp
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp basil
8 oz crumbled feta cheese (we used less than this.)
8 oz uncooked linguini
salt & pepper to taste

Cook linguini in salted water.
Saute garlic & onion in olive oil 3 - 5 min on Med High heat (until tender).
Add cooked shrimp, saute for 2 min, remove from pan but leave garlic & onion. Add tomatoes & liquid & stir.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat. Add shrimp, oregano & basil, salt & pepper. Simmer 3 - 5 min. Pour over drained linguini & toss.
Add crumbled feta cheese at the table.

I think this would also work well with tofu instead of shrimp, if you're a vegetarian.


  1. Hey-- we make a dish pretty much like that. We add chicken instead of the shrimp. Feta is so good on pasta. Yum, indeed!

  2. Cookin' that one this weekend for my bride. Thanks!

  3. Looks absolutely delicious! When we make the Tybee run for shrimp, will give it a whirl.

  4. Anonymous10:36 AM

    don't forget, you can use whole wheat pasta for dishes like this!

    i like it a whole bunch better.


  5. Yummy! I am a big shrimp fan and I know this will be good. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I have a freezer full of big shrimp the reciepe looks yummy thanks I think I will used diced tomatoes also.

  7. looks delicious and quick - thanks! I would not have thought of feta. I just bought two bags of frozen cooked shrimp and I've been wondering how to timely your post!

    (here via da bums)

  8. Ooohhh that sounds delicious! (except I'm allergic to shellfish) :(


    Twinks ;)

  9. Oh, chicken - that's a good idea too. They had frozen already-cooked shrimp on a good sale last week so that's what I used here.

    Ignatz - if you happen to look back here, let me know the name of a good whole wheat pasta. I tried one particular brand but it was really foul. I guess I'm guilty of painting all the WWPs with the same brush... haven't tried it again!

    I don't know how this would be with only half the tomatoes! (As called for in the original.) I think you could almost put double the amount that we used and it would still be good.

    Hey Twinks, that's when you substitute chicken! :) I think an allergy to shellfish is pretty common, as far as allergies go. I can be a pretty picky eater sometimes but if I have any food allergies I haven't found them yet.

  10. ahI wish I had seen that prior to planning this eve's supper. Looks like it will be WEd.


  11. My wife reads your blog religiously and she never mentioned this post. Maybe it's because she's a vegetarian and I'm not. Just wait until morning...

  12. Anonymous9:50 PM

    This looks yummy delish. The tofu sounds really good.

    I love seeing herbs dance across a plate of pasta. It looks so professional - always makes me feel like Emeril.


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