Thursday, July 06, 2006

Marching through Georgia

When my husband suggested that we detour and add an extra hour onto a 700-mile drive, I was not enthusiastic. But it turned out to be a good idea. From Atlanta, we followed, more or less, Sherman's March to the Sea. (Only without quite so much of a scorched-earth policy.)

And arrived in Savannah.

Spanish moss

Oleanders in bloom


Tourist boat

Waving girl

Savannah River Bridge

I think, "Colorful shop entrance."
Hubby thinks, "Copper drainpipe, you don't see that much anymore."

Giant pineapple

Red boy, green hat

I only wish we'd had more time there.


Near the beginning of the route we took from Atlanta, five generations and 142 years ago, one of my ancestors was captured at the Battle of Jonesborough and sent to Camp Douglas.


  1. Savannah is one of my favorite places. No matter how long you stay, you still cannot see, smell and taste everything. And the people- what characters! I'm glad you had a good time and hope you sold all your goodies (if it was a working trip : )

  2. I lived in Savannah for 3 years and it will always be a special place to me. My first child,Katybug, was born there.
    Thank you, thank you for the walk down memory lane.
    I'm gonna have Savannah on my mind all day...

  3. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Once you get into Glynn and Wayne counties (really!) you've emerged into an ecosystem that is unlike any other. All them hanging bromeliads and really, is there anything more satisfying than seeing a bunch of yankees grabbing them and draping them and imagining the itching from chiggers they're gonna get later that night? I seek within myself the heart to warn them and cannot find it.

    Savannah really is a beautiful city, unlike any other except perhaps Charleston, SC (prone to earthquakes though!).

    Have you read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil? Far more evocative of townie characters than the movie.

    As for genealogy, it's not quite my bag yet, but it's my father's and I'm contemplating a post on the nomenclature of 1st, 2nd, and so forth cousins vs the more proper 1st cousins-once-removed, twice-removed, and so forth. Oughta be really exciting!!!

  4. I've never been to Savannah, but these photos do a good job of capturing its character. It looks old and beautiful.

  5. Anonymous4:22 PM

    What a cool place to visit..

  6. Anonymous5:48 PM

    You see color, He sees copper, and I see Jezebel!

  7. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Ah, the trees! The trees! They capture my heart and take me in. I wonder who they have shaded in their lifetimes. In whose stores have they interwoven? What did the land look like when they were tiny saplings? Who else will they touch in decades and centuries to come?

    Thank you so much for sharing.

  8. Years ago we flew to Atlanta to visit friends, then rented a car and travelled extensively through the south. Savannah was one of my favourite places. A feast for all senses.

  9. KF, no it wasn't a working trip... we went to a wedding in FL. More on that later.

    FC, it was pretty touristy in the area where we were. But still nice.

    Wayne I really wish we could have explored some of the natural areas in addition to the shopping areas! Just not enough time.

    Yes I've read the book but it was sooo long ago, I can't remember much about it.

    Those are both proper, you know! First cousins = have the same grandparents, second cousins = the children of fist cousins; have the same great-grandparents, and so forth. The child of your first cousin is your first cousin Once removed. Ta-da!

    Robin, all these pictures were taken within a small area, really. Along River Street and the street of two just above it.

    H&B, I already want to go back!

    SWJ, no comment, LOL.

    SM, I wonder that too, especially about the live oaks.

    Sabine, you would probably like St Augustine also, except that I think it has gotten even more touristy than Savannah.


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