Monday, July 17, 2006


My everyday lemon pie (awaiting topping)

During the news, I sometimes can't resist telling my husband, "I read about that on a blog already!" Although they are obviously just one person's viewpoint, I do enjoy having the opportunity that blogs provide, of getting some news unfiltered. Directly from the source. So I spent some time over the weekend looking at blogs from Israel and Lebanon.

The majority of Middle Eastern blogs are about politics. You can find any number of round-ups of what people there think about this outrage or that. But that's the same stuff that's on tv.

What I was really curious about was how the everyday lives of everyday people were changing. If you are too, you might want to read about...

Haifa's lost dogs

Sightseeing the war

Cleaning out the bomb shelter

Watching them watch you

and of course, there's always time for pizza.


  1. Thanks so much for this great roundup. I've been avoiding the Middle Eastern blogs, torn between strong conflicting emotions, but now you've galvanized me a little - I'll at least bookmark these blogs, and check out their sidebars. (And in the meantime, I'll quote from one or two of these posts in my Smorgasblog without even giving you credit! How's that for gratitude?)

  2. Ha! No prob. Glad you liked them. I find this type of post so much more interesting than straight political ones.

  3. Thanks for the blog titles! It is interesting but just as anger producing. How much is Israel a puppet of the U.S. I wonder? No, not the regular, ordinary Americans, but the politicians, oil men, and American-based transnational business organizations. I do wonder who is pulling the strings behind the politicians. (Given my cynicism, I don't believe that Bush was democratically elected either time but I don't know who, or what, is behind him or even the conservative that was "elected" in Canada.) Hope I am not offending too many blog readers or makers, but that is what I am thinking and wondering.

  4. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I don't think that pie needs any topping. Maybe just a fork.

    (Trying not to get political.)

  5. I live and breathe politics, but I find everything about the middle east so horribly and unfathomably disastrous that I can't even look at the news. It feels very hopeless to me. But that pie looks very yummy, and that's all I want to see-- that and birds, insects, flowers, and non-human mammals.

  6. You make a lemon pie every day?! My mouth is watering looking at it ...

    Oh, and do you share recipes?

    Thanx - Xris

  7. I know that pie...let me try...
    I'm thinking:
    6 egg yolks
    1 graham cracker crust
    1 can sweetened condensed milk
    3/4 cup lemon juice

    Whisk yolks, milk, and lemon juice together 'til creamy.
    Pour into pie crust.
    Bake about 10 minutes.
    chill til firm.
    top and eat.


  8. No, I don't make it every day, it's just an everyday sort of pie. :)

    Yep FC, that's pretty close. Except it's 4 egg yolks (from purty free-range chickens of course!) and about 4 ounces of lemon juice. I made it first with key lime juice... but you have to color it or else your lime pie is yellow (from the yolks). Oh yeah and on this one I used the low-fat condensed milk, and a Vanilla wafer crust instead of graham crackers.

  9. Thanks for the blog links - this is the kind of news I'd rather read & see than the false sensationalism you get fed on TV - this is real and you can't beat it. This is what I love about blogging. Thanks again.

  10. Yes, Pablo is correct. The pie looks great! It would, I think, be much better for my blood pressure. Thanks for sharing the pie photo! ! !

  11. Thankyou for this post and your blog roundup.

  12. I don't know that much about politics, But that lemon pie sure looks delicious!!!! (I love lemons!!)

    Twinks ;)

  13. Wow! What a pretty pie!

    Wow, what eye opening stories...

  14. That pie sounds delicious! Would you email me the recipe? Yummm!


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