This morning a tv show (Today, I think) had a segment where they asked people which celebrity couple they'd prefer to spend the weekend with. Most of the respondents chose actors (Angelina & Brad, Tom & Katie, Will & Jada, Vince & Jennifer, etc). A few chose political figures.
My husband wondered aloud which ones would be the best at mowing grass.
I missed that one (no surprise) but this might be similar to the "which presidential candidate would you rather have a beer with?" A fantasy that has led us to quite an interesting situation.
ReplyDeleteMr. Rurality is right on target. These people have been elevated right into the thin stratosphere of unreality, in which lawnmowing is done by "someone else".
On the other hand, I can conceive of answering the question based on which couple I would most be entertained by their complete disconnection with the reality that the rest of us plebes deal with on a daily basis. Oh yes, that would be fun!
LOL. I like your husbands sense of humor..
ReplyDeleteWhy would anyone want to spend time with celebrities? It just astounds me that people care about actors and other such people and their personal lives. Most of them (all of them?) are so wrapped up in their careers and how to get who/what/where they want, I wouldn't think that they would be very good company. I agree with your husband. Put em' to work!
ReplyDeleteThe droll wisdom of Mr. Rurality cannot be topped.
ReplyDeleteAre so many people really on a first-name basis with these celebrities? I recognize Brad (Pitt, right?) but that exhausts my familiarity.
Brad Pitt is from Missouri, not too far from Roundrock. I know cuz I read it in a magazine.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to spend the day with Martha Stewart- at least she would feed me and probably show how the grass should be cut :)hee hee..
ReplyDeleteIf you are going to spend a day with a celebrity couple, why not make it royalty? Charles and Camilla? Charles is supposed to be quite the organic gardening so the conversation might be interesting!
ReplyDeleteYes, celebrities with gardening expertise (and/or fancy gardening tools) should not be scoffed at. They are welcome!
ReplyDeleteCPR, this is how I would explain it to my husband: Angelina Jolie is the one who's married to Brad now. She's the Tomb Raider girl. Tom is Tom Cruise, the guy from Mission Impossible, and Katie is his significant other. (I think she's an actress too but I don't really know much about her.) Will is Will Smith, the Fresh Prince of Bel Air (or I could say "the guy from Men in Black", he knows both those references), and Jada is his wife - she's the ship captain from that Matrix movie. OK Vince Vaughn is tough - I don't think hubby would remember any of his movies (sorry Vince), although I might say, "The non-blond guy from Wedding Crashers". Jennifer is Jennifer Aniston, the one from Friends who's not Courtney Cox (he knows who she is - she's from Alabama) and not the blond. Whew!
There's one celebrity couple that I'd choose, for intelligence and humor - the wacky Jamie Lee Curtis and Sir Christopher Guest... of course the experiences of the weekend might end up on screen as another of his mockumentaries.
ReplyDeleteI'm enjoying your quirky sense of humor, Rurality.