Thursday, August 10, 2006


Click over RIGHT NOW to the Brittlestar site. Between now and August 18, you can preorder "Secrets" for only $7.50 plus shipping. Plus, you can preview the album online by clicking on the cover. And by preview I mean, listen to the whole thing. What a deal! So go now, and check it out. Tell the immensely talented Stewart that I said hi.

When you're done with that, make sure to visit the duffypedia, the brainchild of my friends Chris and Sabine. Because if you're not a Stephen Duffy/Lilac Time fan already, well you should be.

You can go here and click on the little mp3 beside "So Far Away" to hear my favorite SD song. (Just don't believe the part about an EP or live album being released anytime soon.)


  1. Hi Karen

    Just for you :-) we will add audio files for Keep Going and extended audio for the BBC sessions (90 to 120 secs long instead of 30 secs) tonight. Hope you enjoy them!


  2. Yippee! Hey it pays to know the people in charge, huh?! :)


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