Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Why I love Oneonta

When you're really busy, running around like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to get ready for your upcoming craft show, and you jokingly suggest to the passing postal worker that she should help you put all those stamps on your mailing list postcards... she does!


  1. That's Mayberry for 'ya.

  2. Too cool! 'Round here we're lucky if we can get our local postie to look up and say hi!

  3. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Ahh, there's no life like small town life.

  4. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Wow, there's service you'll never see out here.

  5. I've been here 27 years. I love it, too!

  6. I don't hear many people say
    "running around like a chicken with your head cut off" -- actually, I think my mother is the only one (maybe it's her AL roots).

  7. I lived in small-ish towns before but not one this size I suppose. It does seem to make a difference!

    Hmm maybe that is one of those southern sayings that I didn't know was southern...? I say it all the time in "real life" and hear it a lot too. Of course I say "fixin' to" a lot too but try not to write it. :)

  8. Anonymous5:28 AM

    "Running around like a chicken with it's head cut off" can't be southern, because it was used all the time where I grew up, in Central Manitoba. I'd say probably just rural.

  9. Ah--I missed Homestead Hollow this time. But I heard the traffic was even worse than normal!


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