Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What happens when you leave cats alone too long

Unparalleled paper towel carnage. The measly scope of the lens could not contain the enormity of this atrocious butchery.

Plus, it's not what you want to come home to when you're feeling sick.

The refrigerator magnets (southern contingent) must also have been judged guilty of unspeakable crimes against cats. Their hideous punishment was too graphic to be shown here.


  1. I see that type of carnage way too often at my house, but the perpetrators are the dogs.

  2. As much as I like pets, it's graphic scenes such as this which remind me why all my pets are wild animals outdoors. (Although bears and squirrels do break into people's homes occasionally up here.) Did you tell the kitties they were naughty? I bet they gave you that "Oh yea? Just try to stop us!" look, too. Or the "Just wait until you find the other messes" face...the "We can make the dog look guilty" sneer...and the "Dry food again-enjoy the runs in your pantyhose" staredown. The only thing more worrisome than the visible mess is the plans being hatched for the future! Be very afraid! :)

  3. But think of how much fun they probably had. C'mon, you're just jealous that you can't lay on the floor and shred a roll of paper towels with your feet. I bet they were nowhere to be found when you walked in.

  4. it could not have been the cats. it must have been the dog

  5. That'll teach you!

    Loved Bills comment!

  6. I laughed so hard, my office mates came running in to see what was so funny. That'll teach me to blog surf while I'm at work!

  7. OK. This is one of those posts I show to my husband. And the comments. Quality. Quality :0) Dang - this is so much fun. Brings back memories - some better than others. I'll bet cats don't go after the contents of bathroom waste baskets like some pouting dogs are inclined to do. Nuff said.

  8. Cats are so inventive. They'll make a game out of anything. We have two paperbags on the living room floor. Our cat has been playing with them for months. I'm just glad he hasn't found the toilet paper rolls. My brother-in-law just sent us a video of cat that compulsively flushes the toilet just to watch the water swirl down. Such interesting creatures we share our houses with!

  9. Here's what really happened as captured by Rurality's game cam which was accidently left on the kitchen table.
    The cats were caught in the act of paper towel shredding by the angelic (and more intelligent) Jasmine.
    Jasmine barked at them to stop, but they continued. She then strode to the fridge and using her nose, arranged the magnetic letters to read, "the kats did it". She can spell, but the cats had already destroyed the "c" magnet.
    With Jasmine standing over them,
    the cats promised to clean up the mess. Jasmine then left the room assuming that cats lived up to their word, as is the dogway. Of course, being cats, they instead shredded Jasmine's magnetic note.
    It's all there in the camera.

  10. Did your cats teach my dog how to commit this horrible crime?? I swear, this internet communication is getting out of hand when domesticated animals are getting in on it. Terrible, just terrible.

  11. Here's the thing: the cats did the damage but with what? Clean, dry, unused paper towel. And then they tried their hand at magnetic poetry.

    If the dog had done it, it would have involved a dead animal, rotting garbage, the cat's litter box.

    And then you would have felt worse. Do feel better, Karen.

    P.S. McCloud is a string eater. Every night, if left the opportunity, he gets into my knitting and bites off pieces of yarn. Then he carries the ball of wool or worse, my project, around the house, meowing loudly. I kinda wish I had a dog...

  12. At least it's better than a dead bird left behind an armchair.

  13. Oh if I'd let the dog in, it would have been much worse indeed. Everything not glass or metal would've had teeth marks in it.

    I did yell "bad kitties" and a few other choice words.

    I suppose it was partially my fault for leaving the catnip mouse in plain view... that thing really makes them nuts. So in cat terms - Mom was away, so the kids got high and tore up the house.

  14. Mutters: Wretched beasts.

    And don't we love them?

  15. I loved your comment on the cats-it had me yowling (no pun intended :)

    Cat's will be cats and then, they will still be cats. Mine keeps me in stiches all the time- His newest trick has been to climb into the pool table and stick his paw out a pocket to bat the ball out. I wish I could get a picture of it :)

  16. You are now safe from the evils and inconvenience of intact paper towels. Whew! A whole towel is just to big anyway, right? Nice of the kitties to help you out!

  17. Oh. My. Goodness. Is dat what we can do wif the paper towels?

  18. Yes, we are familiar with "cat alone syndrome". Ours tend to like the curtains. . .


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