Friday, August 03, 2007

Baby bluebirds

We have two bluebird boxes that get a lot of use, though never at the same time. This was the second brood this year.

I tried getting closer but they're all too skittish for that. The pictures are greatly magnified, so the quality isn't wonderful. But you can sense the cuteness.

I love that little patch of blue on the tail.

There are three or four fledglings... they won't hold still long enough to count. The parents are still feeding them.

Eastern Bluebird, Sialia sialis


Friday Ark


  1. The one nesting box in our veggie garden is now being prepped for yet another group of bluebirds. We sat last evening and watched the mom repair, redo other wise re model her abode. They are such neat birds.

  2. I hate that a pharmaceutical firm has co-opted the scientific name for the beautiful little bluebird. I don't even know what Cialis does and don't like it. THose birds are so cute. And the little blue tail is adorable.

  3. Deemom, I'm surprised they're starting again so late! But I guess they still have time.

    Meredith, I have to admit that I didn't really connect the two. How oblivious am I? :)

  4. They are definitely giving off cuteness vibes.

    Cialis, blue, ...

    I won't go there.

  5. Adorable! I have never seen a baby bluebird....thanks for sharing.

  6. The Eastern Bluebirds are one of my favorites. The bright flash of blue when they fly is beauty in motion. I've never seen the babies though~ too quick for my old Nikon~ good shots :)

  7. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Great pics, and I know how hard it is to photograph birds. I'd never noticed that blue tail on the babies. How sweet is that?

  8. We don't get bluebirds here, so I really love seeing these little ones. Our nestboxes are home to Violet-green swallows this year. We have one successful fledge so far. In the second box, the nestling is just about ready to go. He's hanging out of the box almost all the time. We never recognize them once they're out. It's very cool that the bluebird babies stay around and let you get a look at them out of the box.

  9. The other thing that is funny to me is their so-serious aspect. I know I'm being anthropomorphic but they seem so much like sober little philosophers.

  10. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Our bluebird houses are always taken over by English sparrows. And come to think of it, I haven't seen one bluebird this year. That it strange! Thanks for sharing your pictures.

  11. There is a page about sparrow control here if you are interested. They are an introduced species and are considered a pest so it is not against the law to kill them. However most people don't much care for that option... I'm glad we don't have them around our place.

  12. rurality, I too am curious about the re nesting, byt then after the other night we have seen no further activity. Time, as they say will tell!

  13. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Thanks for the link. We live in one of the most densely populated areas of English sparrows in the U.S.. Blech. Can't stand the things. It is a constant battle with them for feeder and nesting space.

  14. I sense the cuteness. I tell you - here in Florida - I swear I see a different bird every couple of days that I never saw before, it seems like.

  15. Just came back from a mini-vacation up in Cambria.

    I saw two nests of swallows with bald heads and gapping maws inside. Too cute. Couldn't get too close to either, though. "Mom & Pop" started swooping at me.

  16. Gosh they're cute! I see some on my commute to work, but my house is too deep in the woods to bring them in. Now as for woodpeckers, I'm rife with those!


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