Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Fallen Sycamore leaf. (Platanus occidentalis.)

They seem to take the drought stress worse than most other trees here.

I walked out of a meeting last night and felt like I was stepping into a sauna. It's hot, it's been hot, it will be hot... but you really don't expect 90°F at 9:00 PM. (That's 32°C, for those of you in the metric world.)


  1. I wish I could send the cool air and drizzle we have here. I hope your weather changes soon. Nothing likes that kind of heat.

  2. At least you don't have a raging wildfire knock,knock,knocking on your city's door!

  3. We have prematurely falling leaves here too. We really could use some rain. I've just been scrolling through your posts - catching up. Beautiful photos! The bread looked great. I could live on homemade bread - and, well, maybe a little vino.

  4. Anonymous6:26 PM

    metric, shmetric.
    As good as a decimal system is, there's no poetry to it.

  5. Your new camera (and you) are taking wonderful pictures. I like the small frame around each picture. Another hot day here also. Linda aks fe*mail (to answer your question)

  6. Same good thing about trends like this, they make the coming of fall something to really look forward to.

  7. Robin Andrea, It'll be another 4 - 6 weeks before it even thinks about cooling off, but I sure would love some rain in the meantime!

    Jill, you are right but it could happen at any minute. (Knock knock knock on wood!)

    Kris, thanks, and cheese too, huh?

    Jenny, yes. I imagine feet and yards and miles will eventually go the way of furlongs and fortnights.

    Thanks Linda, and I will check out the ebay.

    Woody, yes but it needs to hurry. :)

  8. Us too...all sauna with no real precip, and all the trees, grasses and flowers look like fall already. Sure wish the temps felt that way!

  9. It says a lot about your skill as a photographer to take such beautiful pics of a dead leaf!

  10. It's so hot here when I go outside for just a minute or three, I feel like a walking mass of goo. I've heard it ain't gonna get any better. Love these Dog Days, just luv em...


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