Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tree Quiz


That's my dainty size 6 next to the largest leaf in North America. Identify the yellow leaves on the lower left for extra credit.

A big hint to how this tree got its common name.

Answers below.


1. American Beech Tree with a personality problem. (Fagus grandifolia.) The smooth carving surface often tempts woodland vandals.

2. Around here this tree is known as the Cowcumber, but more commonly it's called the Bigleaf Magnolia, Magnolia macrophylla. I've read that they're rare, but it's one of those plants that tend to be locally abundant when you do find them.

Extra credit: Sweetgum, Liquidambar styraciflua.

3. Hophornbeam, Ostrya virginiana.


  1. Holy COW! That's a big leaf.

  2. I'll echo what Jill said - Wow - that is a BIG LEAF!

  3. Me three! That was a fun game....I must say, I've never seen a leaf that big besides my banana

  4. Yeah maybe they call it cowcumber because the leaves are almost as big as a cow. :)

    This is one of those trees that's easiest to find in the winter time. The big silvery leaves all over the ground are really noticible.

  5. That image of George should be sumitted to I Can Has Cheezburger?
    as "Where B My Prezent?"

  6. I think I am guilty of vandalizing the beech trees in what is left of the Carolinian Forest of Southern Ontario. They often grow in pairs intertwined around esch other. We called them "love trees" and we carved hearts and letters into them as reminders of the current love in our life. I like to think ther may be one tree left with my love recorded. In any case, it is so much nicer than spray painting the rock on the Precambrian Shield.

  7. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Just saw this and it brings back some very good memories. My great-grandparents had a large farm in southeastern Kentucky which had a pure stream. Cowcumber trees grew all alongside its length. My dad said when he and his cousins were out playing and got thirsty, they'd pick one of the leaves, fold it into a cup, and get a drink.

    He showed me how to do it, too. First time I'd ever drunk water that wasn't from a tap. It was incredibly good.

    I'm glad to say he was the one who inherited the property, so the place is still pristine.

  8. @Anonymous

    I found this page because my father told the exact same story- and he's from Blackeye,KY.

    Whereabouts was your grandpa from.


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