Friday, January 18, 2008

Fire in the woods

British Soldiers (Cladonia cristatella), my favorite lichen.

Two very small salamanders. Either Southern Red-backed (Plethodon serratus), Southern Zigzag (Plethodon ventralis), or Webster’s (Plethodon websteri).

According to Salamanders in Alabama, they're "easily confused".

These tiny... things... were growing on a limb rotting on the ground. I can't even tell if they are a type of mushroom, slime mold, lichen, or what. Possibly an immature version of Peniophora rufa...?

The whole line there was about the width of a blade of grass. I could definitely use a macro lens. And of course that portable DNA analyzer that they are being so slow to invent.

An easy one, finally: Truckus plasticus.

And there's always this:

The muscovy duck who thinks he's my boyfriend.

He follows me into the woods, if I'm moving slowly enough.

I'll be hunkered down, minding my own business, trying to take a photo of something low to the ground, when I hear a coarse hissing from behind.

That's my cue to stand up fast, unless I'm in the mood to be nibbled, stabbed, and pinched by a duck.

I'm not sure how he carries bread crumbs, but he's always there waiting when we get back home.


  1. Hee hee, "my favorite lichen" made me laugh. A phrase I have never uttered :)

  2. Hehe, at least your scovy duck's a gentleman -- he warns you before he strikes.
    You and Pablo are of like minds today. He has posted some British soliders, too.
    Love the salamanders and the pink mystery stuff -- when you get that portable DNA analyzer you're gonna share, right?

  3. Kelli... but they're sooooo cuuuuute! Plus there's the name. :)

    Swampy, well I guess. Nobody else seems to write that their ducks attack them, though. That pink stuff was really red like nail polish. Not sure if that's my monitor or yours that's off!

  4. Heh...I like lichens, too. LOVE those salamanders, and I bet you have some cool newts in the streams down there. That tiny stuff looks a lot like an orange slime mold we get up here...don't you just love the teensy micro world? I don't know what to think about the duck...are the females jealous of you for getting so much of his attention? :)

  5. Your boyfriend wears rouge.

    Pablo may be doing backflips since he matched "the queen of all blogs" on a post.

  6. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Hey! I'm doing backflips!

  7. Anonymous9:44 PM

    I've been enjoying your "macro" posts- makes me think about taking a closer look at all of life's details. Your muscovy duck is a hoot.

    Now- what do we think about Rufus sing Judy Garland? tee-hee.

  8. Nice photos for January! I threw "my favorite lichen" into google advanced and while you're #1, Rurality, some other people also knew enough lichens to choose a favorite. Not even Truckus plasticus is found here.

    Your boyfriend reminded me of some neighbors' ducks when I was a kid - they'd chase my sister and me, bills snapping at our heels.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  9. Lisa, I think I saw an eft once. But I'm not really sure how to look for newts! We've only got one female muscovy left. She doesn't seem to mind.

    FC & Pablo, what kidders you are.

    Vicki, well I'm not so sure about the whole Judy thing! But I haven't heard it so I can't pass judgement!

    Thanks Annie! I really have to laugh at some of the things I'm #1 for. They are mostly things that people in their right minds aren't searching for, of course, LOL.

  10. Anonymous1:13 PM

    It is amazing what we find out in the woods! I love your Red-backed Salamander photo!

  11. I love your duck! He is sooo handsome! However, I don't think I would like to be pinched or nibbled by him. Uh, maybe you need to get a MRs duck for him??

  12. Tom, yeah that one was a complete accident! I'm not sure what made me turn over that hunk of wood, but there they were, hiding underneath.

    Kerri, he's got one! He just likes me better, it seems.

  13. Newts can be found the same way you came upon the sallies-turning over rocks (only in the water). They tend to like fast-moving streams, and often you can just sit on the banks a bit and you'll spot one moving in the water. (In the shallows and among rocks, mostly.)


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