Monday, January 21, 2008

Game cam bucks

Hubby moved the camera to an area where we'd spotted a buck rub. It worked!

I think he's leaving a scented "keep out" message for other bucks.

We mainly get does on the game cam, so I forget how powerfully built the bucks are.

We'd gotten this shot just before moving the camera. At first I thought it was the same buck, but after examining the zoomed-in views, I think the first one is actually a 6-point (as opposed to the second 4-pointer).


  1. Wow! Very neat to see!

  2. Muscles!
    Hey does your game camera go through a lot of batteries?

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Wonderful buck, thanks for sharing!

  4. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Very cool! We see mostly does here, as well. Enough so that when I buck wandered by in the distance, our neighbor came running over to tell us to take a look.

  5. WoW!! I've got to get my camera out and set up! Great pics.

  6. Make sure he doesn't "mark" the camera!

    (cute butt shot!)

  7. Thanks y'all.

    FC, it goes through batteries faster when it's really cold. But in general, they last a good while. Make sure to use Duracell. Anything else gets used up quickly.


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