Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Armadillo?

The game cam didn't capture the Easter Bunny this year...

All we got was an Easter Armadillo!


  1. LOL, i'd like to see what HE puts in baskets!!

  2. Why do I suddenly feel like Elmer Fudd? ;)

  3. How funny! Did he leave you any chocolate?

  4. An armadillo came last night
    and stole my Easter Eggs
    He found my chocolate bunny
    And bit off both his legs!

    I caught him in the very act
    As he munched away with glee
    So there is no Easter Bunny
    For the bloggers here to see.

    Love your game cam pics!

  5. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Fantastic photo! Matt says in Texas he only ever saw dead armadillos - this is the first he's ever heard of a live one. :)

  6. Great picture. It appears to be rooting. Is that how they find food?

  7. We have those down here in Florida. I'm afraid they're not very good at crossing streets.

  8. Anonymous9:09 PM

    I would love to see this Armadillo with bunny ears! Thanks for the smile!

  9. Here I thought it was a walking Cherimoya! ;-)

  10. There once was a fine armadillo
    who hid colored eggs neath the willow
    He shudda wore pink
    on the part that goes clink
    so I won't have to stuff ears with pillow

  11. LOL! Your game cam is amazing - thanks for sharing - too fun. How very cool that you've had an eagle visit. Years ago, a bald eagle landed in our neighbor's tree for a short visit - it was great. We see them around different parts of the lake, but usually not in our yard.

    I love the hill on your property. And it was so nice to see some spring blooms - thanks! I am becoming a little impatient - we don't usually have blooms this early, but this winter was horrible, and I'm ready for a little spring.

  12. Maybe he was just relieved that he made it past the dress up for Easter weekend without being made into a purse.

    Love the critter cam, Rurality!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  13. I have lived in Texas all my life and didn't know about the Easter Armadillo. That just shows how secretive they are here. Troy in Ft. Worth.

    PS; I always enjoy your blog even if I don't always comment.

    Too much to do, so little time.

  14. FC ALWAYS gets the bon mot award.

    Perfect: Peter Armortail :0)

  15. Thanks everybody. Sorry I didn't get back here before now! Sadly, the Easter armadillo didn't leave us anything but a bunch of holes in the ground. They do root for their food, and it's a very sandy area where the game cam is now... easy digging. Maybe I should set up a trap and go into the armadillo purse business. Hmm. ;)

    We have seen a couple of live ones walking around here. (I think that's how you know they're getting more numerous.)

    Wow, comment poems and puns! Superb! I'm not worthy. :)

  16. Easter Armadillo! Sweet!

  17. Oh Cute! Uh, I don't think I'd want any choco covered eggs from him, though.

  18. What a hoot!! HOw cool that you captured the moment, too!


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