Friday, June 06, 2008


Why are you waking me up...

...when it's so clearly time for sleeping?

Oh, ok.


A green tree frog (Hyla cinerea) was napping in the crevice of a post that needed to be moved. He got moved too, but wasn't too happy about it.

It reminded me of the Green chair frog from a few years back.


Submitted to the Friday Ark.


  1. They are so beautiful! Wow! I just gasped when I saw that spectacular shade of green....and now I am green with frog envy! lol
    We only have peepers and grey tree frogs of the hyla clan up here.

  2. Isn't he adorable. Great pictures and I love the dialog.

  3. Love the green tree frogs. We don't see many now days because of the invasive cuban tree frog.

  4. What a beautiful little green tree frog. I remember the first time I saw the tree frogs up in Washington, and it was this brilliant bright green. It's a sight that just has to make you happy!

  5. It's not easy being green.

  6. Gorgeous shots of a gorgeous frog!

  7. 3C, I keep hearing the peepers here, but have never seen one.

    NCMW, yup, he really said that. ;)

    Dani, oh no, I hadn't heard about that one.

    Robin Andrea, I know what you mean. They always make me smile!

    FC, I've heard that. :)

    Lisa, thanks!

  8. Anonymous6:38 PM

    This green tree frog is Adorable with a Cap A!

  9. Cuteness. That is CUTENESS on a stick.

  10. Thanks, Tom and Susan!

  11. Awesome great shots!


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