Friday, June 05, 2009

Zygodactyl Coccyzus & the cut direct

Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus).

Giving me...

The cut direct.


Cuckoos are zygodactyl, like woodpeckers. Click that link for further bird-foot edification.

Friday Ark.


  1. Pretty bird. I am alway impressed by people who know the names of birds I have never heard of and that would be most.

  2. LOL! I give the cut indirect to many of my co-workers pretty much all the time...I prefer gardeners, animals and plants. But hey, what'cha gonna do? :) I don't have cuckoos around here, and never would imagine they are related to woodpeckers!

  3. BD, the first time someone mentioned a Cuckoo to me, I thought they were pulling my leg!

    Lisa, I don't know if they're closely related or not... their toes are the same though. It's funny how "invisible" cuckoos are, when they're so large.

  4. Love the dictionary link. Great fun!

  5. I'm lucky to see this cuckoo quite often:

  6. Love them Cuckoos!


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