Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tour of trees

At one of the homes we toured last weekend, my friend S. and I enjoyed the sight of the huge trees as much as the home and all the decorations.

How I could have neglected to note exactly what type of trees these were, I'm not sure... I guess I was afraid that the shuttle would leave us. Looks kind of like an oak though, I think. You can click to see it better. (I blurred my friend's face so she wouldn't kill me.)

Another nice one on the other side of the house. Wish I had trees this nice and spreading. (If you're local, you might recognize this as Mitchell Farm.)

On the walk back to the car, we passed a couple of trees with last-gasp color. (That smaller farm manager's house is really more my speed.)

The trees near the Ruby Radish were bare of leaves. The better to see the good bone structure, though.

This is the view from Mitchell Farm - it gives you an idea of the winter forest look in my limestone valley. Almost everything green is a cedar; there are few pines.


  1. Neat scenery! That barebones house pic is really pretty!

  2. These are nice! They make me want to learn to better distinguish different types of trees, and go exploring more often.

  3. FC, thanks, the colors in the sky were really a lot prettier than that... just didn't come through in the pic.

    MM, thanks, I need to learn more about trees. Someone said we may have a program about trees at one of the Master Gardener meetings next year. If so, I'll let you know and you can come!

  4. Hey, I've missed your posts! LOVE the house/tree pictures; I never knew the "names" of those houses, but have passed them many times when DH & I were on our "Sunday car rides" in your area. Beautiful there, Blount county has some wonderful scenic views and interesting homes too.

    The light snow we had did create an early winter wonderland...but didn't last long. Snow I love; sleet I HATE!

  5. The trees are magnificent....One or two big trees can make a yard look spectacular~~Love the sun setting; I thought the colors were perfect. gsil

  6. Beautiful! I'm shocked that you can still find fall color, goes to show how far south you are compared to me. (My landscape is all white! :)

  7. Your leaf pictures are lovely... it's nice to see color again. :) Everything is very white here.

  8. I think those colorful leaves are all gone now... that was their last gasp. There is still some color in the winter... it's just mostly brown. :)

  9. Breathtaking! I would love to see those places sometime. Lee's pretty good at identifying trees -- maybe the BCBs can take a hike/tour when it's not so cold.


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