Sometimes you're lucky, and they just come to you. (
Shortly after whining about being sick yesterday, I chipped my front tooth while biting my fingernail.
So, maybe I'm just frog-lucky.

I was going to say, "Doesn't he have a pretty eye?" But after staring at the close-up while doing the photo cropping, I'm finding it slightly creepy. A hypnotist's eye. Squinting and wide-open at the same time.
Thanks to Swampy for correcting my ID!
I'm glad you're feeling better -- strong enuf to chip a toof even!
Pretty, pretty! But are you sure it isn't a H. gratiosa instead of cinerea?
Thanks Pablo. :)
Oh Swampy, thanks for correcting me. I kind of thought that id might be iffy, and clearly didn't investigate enough!
We don't have the barking tree frogs here so I'm jealous of your find ;)
And I am glad you're feeling better, too.
I have never seen one of these in the wild! Very cool.
Hope you feel better soon!
glad you're feeling better!
it's the HYPNO-TOAD! um, frog. cool!
I love having frog visitors. :) Glad you're feeling better, though it's too bad about the tooth.
It's plumb Hoponotic!
OUch! Hope you feel better soon. The frog is pretty cool.
you guys know those things about frogs??? WOW!
I just know there are two of them really dueting or dualing in our little pond.
The front photo is beautiful - no matter what type it is =)
Very accurate description of the eye! Some things just look better from a distance (he's really cute otherwise :)
I'm sure glad to catch up with you and your evocative images and delightful words; it's been a long time since Penny McHenry and I appeared together in Alabama. Keep posting!
Lee May
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