Sunday, August 28, 2005

Holy Moly!

Hurricane Katrina slowly strengthened until it reached level 5, and meteorologists started comparing it to Hurricane Camille. When you hear Camille in the south, images of destruction are the first things that spring to mind. Camille is not a term that's bandied around lightly.

Read about Camille here and here. It came calling in August 1969, and was the worst hurricane ever to make landfall in the United States.

They think Katrina may prove to be worse.

Here is the Unisys page of 2005 Atlantic hurricanes. Scroll down to see currently updated information for Katrina.

As I write, the pressure there is 906 millibars. Yowza.

Some of the computer models project the hurricane to head our way after making landfall, and others show it staying to the west.

If you're the praying type, say a little prayer for New Orleans, which is actually below sea level and protected by levees that are only designed to withstand a category 3 hurricane.

Every time there is a hurricane, TV stations send out "on the scene" weather reporters. They stand out in the rain and wind, I guess to give you a better idea of "what's really going on". I think it's stupid, and that one of them will someday be killed. I hope I'm wrong.


Edited to add:

A Very, Very Scary Message. (Thanks to local TV station ABC 33/40's blog.)

I don't think I've ever seen a National Weather Service statement quite like that one.


  1. I think when this one is over, we will no longer talk much about Camille or Andrew. I hope you and yours are hunkered down. This storm is so enormous. Literally the whole Gulf is affected. At least your ponds should be full when this is done. Take care.
    Ditto the New Orleans thought...

  2. Anonymous5:38 PM

    A few years ago I went on vacation down in Louisiana. I went to the swamps of Slidell before hitting New Orlean's French Quarter. New Orleans has some beautiful old buildings and I will be sorry to see them damaged and/or destroyed. I know a lot of the people who live in that area don't have cars but rely on public transportation to get around. Those are the people who really have no choice but to stay and weather that hurricane. My thoughts and prayers are with all of those people right now. How frightened and stressed they must be right now.

    I'm sure Slidell Louisianna will get hit hard the hurricane as well. We went on a swamp tour in Slidell and were greatly impressed by the congeniality of the guide (not to mention the townspeople) and the swamp...beautiful. The swamps of Slidell hold a special place in my heart. I hope there is not too much devastation in that small town.

  3. I'll be thinking of you are yours; you put a face on it. Take care, and get the chickens to shelter....

    Worried smiles,

  4. My brother just moved out of New Orleans earlier this year. He still has business property there however. He currently lives in Natchez which, if Katrina moves as they predict, will put him on the "better" side of this monster. No matter what, I hope he's ready.

    Take care down there in Alabama.

  5. I got my undergrad degree from Tulane from 93-97 and we missed the Big One but it was always talked about then. Although I wouldn't wish this horrible fate on anyone, I have read a lot of articles about the history of the city and the lay of the land, and will be watching with utter fascination to see if what the geologists predicted will come true.

  6. I hope you and yours are all well down there.

  7. Best of luck. It looks like the storm has weakened, but it's still packing a heavy punch.


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