Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Due to my recent good fortune, I've been working harder than normal.

So I was in the workshop, diligently working away...

... when suddenly I had the feeling that I was being watched.

The Blob?

The Thing?

Sinister alien invader cocoon?

Geez that window sure is dirty.

I need a better angle.


Green Treefrog (Hyla cinerea).


  1. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Well, I certainly hope it is good fortune, because it couldn't happen to a nicer blogger. I'm pleased that you're getting some commercial attention, and I hope the resulting hard work is worth it, but, gosh, I'm going to be a little (more than a little) sad if I can't come to Rurality each day for news and a fresh perspective on what it means to be a living, breathing, observing human. (Okay, I'm being selfish.)

  2. The frog looks so happy..

  3. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Frog soap!

    Clearly, you have a guardian Muse there. Suds away!

    OK, am I the only one who keeps trying to pronounce the verification word? I think I hurt my glottis.

  4. How cool to be watched by a frog. What a delightful little friend to share your hard work with. He seems to be quite a content little observer.

  5. Anonymous11:00 AM

    HA!!!!! what a little cutie. and he looks like he is enjoying himself. i'm delighted with your new-found fame. i love it when hard work pays off.

  6. Y'know, he has a very similar series of photos featuring you on his Treefrog Blog. Frogs can blog. They have their own Web, known as the World Wide Spawn and ...

    (ok, ok, I'll stop now ...)

  7. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Very cool! I would have been excited to see a little froggie on my window. I would have taken a picture too!

  8. I do enjoy seeing the green tree frogs you have down south. Our tree frogs tend to be grey and beautiful in their own way but the green of yours is such a wonderful colour.

  9. Thanks everybody! I'd actually seen a frog like that on the window once before. "He'll be there all day," I thought, and put off going to get the camera. Then of course I forgot. So this time I ran to get the camera right away. :)

    My verification word this time makes me think of opthomology surgery that you might have in a foreign country. Actually botched surgery, from the way it's twisted all around.

  10. frog bloggin is always a good thing..

  11. Swamp4me will love that picture.

  12. Anonymous10:01 PM

    I love those frog pictures!

  13. Anonymous6:36 AM

    He looks as though he's meditating. Cute!

  14. Love your treefrog pic. He's a cutie. We have grey treefrogs here in MI and they are cute too but I just really love how green these frogs are.
    I've caught a few pics of them on my windows too.


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