Monday, December 19, 2005

Look Up

quilted sky

waxwing ornaments


  1. Nice pictures. The clouds are unusual.
    Glad you got a few minutes to post as well. Miss you..

  2. Ah, my daily check of Rurality has paid off again. Nice to see you are still alive. Hope your soap making and sales went well for the holiday season and that you will soon have time to talk to us all again.

    Happy holidays!

  3. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I've always heard that such a "flock of sheep" formation of clouds was a harbinger of rain in the next couple of days.

  4. Like OW, I have clicked daily hoping for some Alabama wit and wisdom. Glad you are back!

  5. I've missed you, welcome back (even if just for a few minutes.)

  6. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Glad to see you posting again. Cedar waxwings are the coolest of birds, wearing their Lone Ranger masks and getting drunk on holly berries.

  7. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Glad you got a chance to take those nice pix during the busy season.

    By coincidence, I saw the first waxwings actually in our yard yesterday... Well, in our yard-list range, on the fringes of a mostly-housefinch flock in the Lombardy poplars across the yard next door. Got out of the car and thought, "What's that high-piched whine, sounds familiar...?"

    I hope the season's productive AND fun for you!

  8. Trapunto clouds...

  9. Mackerel sky and mares' tails make lofty ships carry low sails. :-)

  10. Love that sky. Cloud scapes can be so surreal, probably why they have featured so prominantly in so much art. Great capture!

  11. Welcome back, Karen. It's so nice to see what you're looking at these days. I've missed you. Hope things are going well for you and you'll have time soon to blog more often. Have a wonderful holiday.

  12. I love it when the waxwings visit. So very dapper and chipper with their Bzzt bzzt calls...

  13. Anonymous10:51 AM

    YAY! the photos are delightful and so was finding something here at rurality! i wish you a warm, cozy, happy and productive season.

  14. Nice pictures as usual. Are you getting anything camera related for Christmas?

  15. Nice pictures as usual. Are you getting anything camera related for Christmas?

  16. Hey, I was in Borders today and there was a book, "Blogosphere, The Best Blogs"... I think that's right.
    You were in there! You probably already know that, but I thought it was pretty darn cool. Speech! Speech!

  17. Thanks everybody, I missed all of you too!

    Gary, would you believe I haven't even had time to do any Christmas shopping?! I don't think I'll be getting a new camera, but we may get one of those game cameras that will take pictures of the critters as they walk past. Sneaky spy vision to see what animals are doing around here at night.

    FC, no way! You're pulling my leg, right?

  18. I kid you not. You are bona fide famous...they even used your name.

  19. That book sounds amazing!

    Rurality, I am going to send you some money and you buy me the book, autograph it and mail it to me!!!! (If that's ok with you.)

    You are famous! Hurray!!!!!

    I am so glad you're back!

  20. Well my vanity being what it is, I had to try to look up that book at the store... they said it wouldn't be out until February! Maybe FC dreamed the whole thing...

  21. No, no I know I was awake because I was spending money and I never do that in my dreams. There was only one copy...I believe Milkriver was in there too. I was just skimming, sorry for sketchy details, but I'm pretty sure I was awake...darn narcolepsy!

  22. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Oh my goodness...the cloud picture is absolutely gorgeous. Nice shot.

  23. At long are back...and with some gorgeous pictures.

  24. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Every day, Karen. I've checked EVERY day!

    Hope all your entrepreneurial efforts have paid off!

    pmhsvp - a new line of hand soap?


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