Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Bobcat Valentine

Jackpot! Two bobcats (Lynx rufus or Felis rufus) traveling together.

I'm assuming that this is a male and female, since it's bobcat breeding season.


  1. Happy Valentines Day. To you and the bobcats..

  2. Oh, can't wait to see the little bobkittens...

  3. That elicited an outloud, "WHOA!"

    Wonder if we'd see an otter if the camera was by the pond?

  4. wow!! I love your game cam!!

  5. That is really... wow. Do you ever hear them? Just curious. Your camera and critters are just so neat.

  6. I love your critter cam. How exciting to know what visits you when the sun goes down. What do you put out to draw them? Corn? I would love to have a camera like that, although with my luck I would see something really scary and never go outside again.

  7. Two bobcats on Valentine's Day! Does it get any better than that? Beats roses and chocolates by a wild mile! Absolutely beautiful.

  8. Your critter cam is the neatest thing. Wish I had one up here. But then again if my wife saw what was wandering around she may never go out. She's such a city girl and learning appreciate the country life is taking some time. But she loves it and will become accostomed in time.

  9. Anonymous10:48 AM

    how COOL!!! if i had one of those things, all i'd see would be neighbor cats and raccoons!

  10. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Yikes! Hide your hens!

  11. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Wow!!! They're a handsome couple, but the one on the right looks awfully coy. Cool Coup!

    I keep telling people that northern Alabama is a great place.

  12. Awesome! That's it, I can't stand it anymore. I'm putting a game cam on the top of my wish list.

  13. Anonymous8:16 PM

    awesome! I'd love to learn more about your game cam.. are they costly/difficult to set up? What a neat experience, thanks for sharing the photos. :)

  14. They are pretty! The babies will be so cute!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  15. Thank you for the special valentine for all of your readers! I too am very impressed with your camera captures! How exciting to know that bobcats are in your neighbourhood! All the special animals that we have wandering by, according to the tracks in the snow, are foxes and, yes, they came by the first time in a set of two yesterday. Spring must be coming even though we didn't really have much of a winter.

  16. Thanks everybody. I was so excited to see two bobcats!

    H&B, same to you!

    Sabine, I was thinking the same thing. It'll probably be a while though.

    FC, I have wondered that too. The camera won't capture smaller animals but I'm not sure what the limits are yet. Will have to try that in the future.

    Lacy, thanks - we are loving it too.

    KF, no I've never heard them or seen them. I did know we had at least one, since I'd seen a track in the mud before.

    Meresy G, we sometimes put out a little corn or a bit of dog food. But I think it was mostly gone already by the time this pic was taken.

    RD I have to confess that I actually got this pic last week and saved it for Valentine's! You know, bobcats in love and all that. :)

    TMG, You could always tell her that bobcats don't usually attack people... :)

    YW, I read that bobcats often live a lot closer to people than folks realize... I think foxes are the same way. (I think the coyotes kill most of the foxes here though.)

    IGO, yeah, I did have to wonder if I've been blaming the wrong critters for the chicken disappearances. (Although bobcats are supposed to hunt most often at night or at dusk/dawn, I read that they do sometimes hunt during the day.)

    Wayne don't tell too many people... wouldn't want it to get over-crowded! :)

    LauraP, if you're shopping for a Cuddeback, wait just a bit longer... they are supposed to come out with a new and improved 2006 model soon I think.

    Cindy, it's not difficult to set up. But this one isn't cheap. We got it for our combined Christmas present to each other though. From what I understand, the picture quality varies with the price... if you get a cheap one, it'll have a cheap camera and the pictures aren't that good. Also on the cheaper models, the trigger time is longer (several seconds) so you get a lot of pictures of nothing at all... There is an even fancier camera, with a split-second trigger time. But that one is $1000 or more. Ours is the Cuddeback 3.0 and we got it online from BossBuck. I only wish it would take pics of the smaller animals too.

    Rachel, I'm hoping she'll take them out walking when they're little. :)

    OW I think our multiple coyotes pretty much keep the foxes away. One man did tell me he saw a fox here last year, but we never have. Hey I keep wishing for snow so I can track some animals... but it just won't ever snow here!

  17. Now that's what I'm talkin' about.

    I love those guys. I've only seen a couple around here because they are pretty shy. They remind me of a dog by the way they kind of trot, but they look like cats...except for the long legs. Now I want one of those cameras.

  18. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Wow, those bobcats beat the hell out of my elk ;)



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