Saturday, November 18, 2006

Weekend Game Cam

Lots of coming and going in the woods...

Pair of bobcats! I've noticed that at least one of the local bobcats is sort of sway-backed... I think that's her in the foreground.

Nice coyote! Almost as if he were posing.

Racoons are still the most common visitor. I didn't realize that their hands were hairless like that, but it makes sense.

I'm not sure if he's heavier than the previous one, or just fluffed up in the cold.

Click the picture for extra eeriness!

Hubby moved the camera, hoping to catch a beaver or otter on this path down to the pond. No luck, but we did get this picture of a Great Blue Heron. (Nice, but the camera is more focused on the background.)

He's moving it again today, in quest of otters.


  1. I've always thought that bobcats had really big ranges. Looks like your pair like to hang out on your land quite often. How unbeliveably cool to see that. And the coyote looks very well fed.

    That's quite a camera.

  2. Very impressive! Looking forward to the otter pictures. I love otters.


  3. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Are you sure that the raccoon isn't just wearing rubber gloves. It looks suspicious to me..

  4. A very cool toy, this game cam thingie.

  5. Love all of your game cam photos !

    Sure do wish we had one of those.

  6. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Yes, excellent series of pix. Since the camera uses a flash, I suppose the critters are dashing off in a panic the moment after the shot is taken. Yet they seem to come back to the spot that is so frightening. Do I understand this correctly?

  7. Anonymous8:01 AM

    ...this picture of a Great Blue Heron. (Nice, but the camera is more focused on the background.)

    As is the heron...that's a beautiful shot.

  8. Yes, of all the Christmas presents we've gotten ourselves in recent years, I think this is one of the most enjoyed.

    Pablo, yes, I wish the camera could take a few shots in a row and then we'd know for sure. But the minimum recycle time is one minute. By then they're almost always long gone.

    I'm actually hoping that the flash will keep the otters away!

  9. Anonymous12:08 PM

    That's a great bird's-eye view, looking over the shoulder of a heron at work. The rest are pretty damned good too.

    Your coyotes seem to be redder than ours are. I wonder if it's a geographic-camo thing.

  10. Really wonderful photos of wildlife esp. of the bobcats. Would love to know more about your camera setup.

  11. It looks like you are sneaking up behind the heron. Love the photos.

  12. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Very nice pictures..I love animals..looking forward to reading some more posts placed on this topic...will be checking this page again..have saved in favorites and bookmarked...thanks

  13. Thanks everybody.

    Ki, it's a Cuddeback 3.0. We love it! The newer one is even faster, and less expensive too I think.

    I deleted what I think was a spam comment. Or rather, I copied the text, posted that as an anonymous comment, and then erased the one with suspected spammy links.

  14. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I think that your coyote is really a red fox. see outdoor alabama

    friend from ga.

  15. Thanks for visiting, but I'm going to argue with you! :) A red fox should have black legs, and a black tail (or black down the top of the tail) with a white tip. We have both grayish and reddish coyotes here. Also I think the flash may make them look redder than they might in daylight.

    There has been only one fox sighting in the past 3 years on our property, and it wasn't by us! (But it was by an old local trapper, so I have no doubt that he correctly identified it.)


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