That's when the idea hit me. For 2005 I'd done a list of favorite OPBP (other people's blog posts). For 2006 OPBP would stand for other people's blog pictures.
I've made the previews here rather small, but if you click them you'll be taken to the original blog post. Since it's a review, I didn't for permission -- but if your photo appears here you'd rather it didn't, just let me know and I'll remove it.
Some of these people are my blog buddies, and some of them don't know me from Adam. In either case, I hope you'll enjoy their photos as much as I did.
I have a fascination with words in pictures. Here are a few that made me smile during the year.

Doctor HP Flowers is asked a ponderous question.

Lorianne has been sean.

Liz D has been seen and known. Or rather, her Mom has.

I wonder which one MountainMelody ate.

Knowing Pablo, he didn't.
Nope, I didn't.
Great idea! These pics are a hoot! :)
What a surprise to check in here and see that I am to blame for a collection of great blog photos! :)
Happy new year to you and yours.
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