I'd never been on a garden tour, so I wasn't sure what to expect. But this garden alone was worth the price of the tour. It's difficult to believe that all of this was on 3/4 acre.

Calla lily.

So much of what I love about this garden is the hardscaping. This purple wall was a favorite feature, and if I ever build a garden, I'm now convinced that I'd want to include a lot of statuary. (I think this is Apollo.)

Piney path.

Cherub planter.

Shady rest.

From the more traditional front of the house, you'd never guess that all that was going on in the back.
The garden has its own web site.
I've always wished I had that kind of vision. It would be so cool to have a landscaped garden that looked like that. As it is, our yard looks like it is the result of no planning at all! Nice pics of lush green space. Thanks, I needed that.
Where DO they find the time?
It is lovely tho.
Ah, yep. Still working on getting my garden tour posts up. Really, I am.
That's a charming garden. I LOVE the purple wall.
There is a beautiful iris garden outside of Columbus, Montana. I hope to go take photos of it this year.
Great pictures. Thanks.
If you had told me that was your garden, I would have believed you.
RA, me too. The design of the whole thing was just gorgeous. Of course I think yours is very nice too!
FC, I think they get a little help from time to time but mainly it's just the two of them. Hard to imagine, huh?
Jenn, I don't feel so bad now LOL. Yep that purple wall was really something. I seem to remember them saying they were unsure about it in the beginning, but it turned out beautifully.
Laurie be sure to let me know if you do!
Pablo, that is so far above anything that I could do, my nose would immediately grow to 12 feet long if I tried that. :)
So pretty. I'm glad you like the statues. I've got 3 in my garden. They work so well in drawing your eye to restful places.
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