Thursday, February 22, 2007

So. Central Pain

I'm sorry to be absent lately. My back improves, but then gets worse. Not after big, incredibly stupid things, but following little, surprisingly innocent things.

Also, we will be at the Cottontails Village craft show the first weekend in March. So it's taking a little longer to prepare, trying to baby myself (more than usual).

One news item: Jasmine's new favorite pastime is cramming her large self into the tight, tiny crawlspace under a shed, and making Hubby have to use a floor jack to rescue her.


  1. Anonymous4:48 PM

    What a clever dog! Maybe you could introduce her to even more challenging things like cereal boxes or paint cans. If she's motivated, she could do it!

    Sorry about your continuing pain. The blogosphere is poorer for it.

    Pablo at

  2. Our golden retriever wedged herself under our four-poster and in the middle of the night we actually had to lift the mattress and box springs and slats to push her back under the frame to freedom.

    Pablo said it: The blogosphere is poorer for your hiatus. Sorry that you're hurting.

    P.S. Love my soap and rubber ducky :0) Perfect presents for my girlfriends who are having birthdays bunched up together like spring crocus.

  3. Thanks y'all.

    Pablo, a cereal box she'd just munch to pieces. I can see the potential of a paint can though...

    Cathy, I didn't realize that was you! Thanks, I'm so glad you liked them. :)

  4. I'm sorry to hear you are still not well- Sending healing thoughts and well wishes your way.

    My Golden is too lazy to walk three feet away from me most of the time. As I type, she is splayed out on the floor- snoring and pooting :)

    Get well soon and try not to over due-

  5. Really sorry to hear that you are still in pain. My lower back has been acting up, so I definitely can commiserate with you. I do hope you'll be well soon, and get back to posting all your pretty pics and smart discussions.

    Jasmine sure knows how to have fun!

  6. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Backs are funny things. I have thrown my back out twice just getting out of bed...bed, for goodness sakes! I never seem to hurt it while doing the things required of me in my job.
    Here's hoping yours continues to improve and meanwhile I'll just say I feel your pain :)

  7. Ouch. I'm sorry you're still sore. Don't overdo.
    Jasmine must have had a good reason... thinking...

  8. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Sorry to hear about your back. :( Pain sucks.


  9. Anonymous7:34 AM

    What is it about Pyrs and tight places? Ours did that too, right from the start. As a puppy he liked to sleep under beds. When he got too big for that, his favorite spot was under a big coffee table in the family room - it was hilarious to see him scramble under there when he was full-grown and got scolded. But he never went under anything he couldn't get out of. Maybe there just didn't happen to be anything available for that. Doing ridiculous things seems to be part of the package with Pyrs.

  10. A floor jack? Oh mercy.

    I sure hope your back gets better soon!

  11. Just dropping in to say Hi and hope things are coming along. Alabama must be really Springing as these days grow longer and warmer. Wishing you birdsong and sunshine.

  12. Anonymous5:17 PM

    oh, good dog! I wonder if dogs are less saavy about tight spaces than cats- cats seem to be able to judge exit strategies.

    I am really sorry about your back. That's miserable. The only time I ever did anumber on mine was years ago when Dan was 18 months and at that age where he still wanted "up" even after he could walk. I tried to nurse it along and still function but ultimately I just had to get off my feet and on muscle relaxers for a week straight. All this is by way of saying be careful at the craft show.

    And we are enjoying our lime loofah- your products are quite wonderful!

  13. Anonymous6:33 PM

    You would never know how savvy I am, given the spelling mistakes I leave all over the web.

  14. Jasmine knows how to get attention!!

    I hope your back continues to mend, more quickly!

  15. hey girly- you doing okay? Those were some pretty powerful storms we had rolling through.


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