I dragged my mother and great aunt all over northwest Georgia last week, searching for ancestors.

The wall around this graveyard was built in the 1880s.

I like old graveyards in general, but finding people you're related to makes it even more interesting.
I don't think Elmina's family could write. So the carver inscribed the tombstone as they must have pronounced it: Elminer.
It seems in pretty good shape for something that's been out in the weather for over 100 years.

There's her husband, Berry. I'm a little surprised that they chose such a different style of headstone for him.
P.S. Title of this post is my favorite Rufus Wainwright song. (Click the "preview" button at that link and you can hear a snippet.)
You get some really interesting images when you search Google Images for the phrase in a graveyard.
I enjoy finding those old grave stones out in the woods that are rarely seen by people! Great stuff here!
Yeah me too. If you have your camera, take pictures and post them on findagrave.com!
i must sadly acquiesce to enjoy that activity vicariously through you. too much to be done around here. i have several fond memories where i spent many hours in old cemeteries.
I love old graveyards, any graveyard really. They are so peaceful and sometimes, really interesting :)
I love love love old graveyards. If I had know you were going grave hunting in GA I would have sent you a list. I have family buried all over that area. I think most of my ancestors are in Heard Co. and I have been there hundreds of times, but now that I am older I want photos. We are thinking of a trip there maybe this summer.
Thanks for the google link. It will be fun checking it out.
I love old graveyards, and there are several here in south Jerseey that I love to explore. They do spark one's imagination, don't they? I only wish I was able to go grave hunting in PA, where some of my ancestors are buried.
Yes, old graveyards are so cool. I loved to walk around them when I was living in Connecticut. Headstones tell great stories.
We are Rufus Wainwright fans too. Sometimes I have his version of Chelsea Hotel in my head for days at a times.
Wow! What an interesting project. I love old graveyards and the feeling of "smallness" that they give me; it's always a good reminder about how short our time on earth is and the importance of leaving the world a better place for those that come after us.
My mother dragged various family members (including me) through many graveyards in the course of genealogical research. After a while it got to be fun and we stop whenever we can to walk around and read the stones. I just love photos like these of older markers. Thanks!
Karl, yeah here too... this is the first time I've done something like this in ages. I'd forgotten how much fun it is.
KF, yep, the old ones especially are. I've been looking up the symbology of some of the older images.
Autumn, check out findagrave.com. You can request photos! If you're lucky, people who live near there will take them for you.
Bobbie, I was lucky that some of my ancestors were in GA, where they have some older graveyards still intact. It can be more difficult in AL.
RA, his voice is wonderful, isn't it?!
AM, you are exactly right. Lots of the older inscriptions are warnings to the living, that time is short.
3C, with me it's the opposite... I'm trying to get my mother addicted! She's getting more interested, I think. :)
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