Sunday, March 16, 2008

Red-winged blackbird

One of the early sounds of spring, for me.

Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) singing. You can't actually see him in the video, sorry.1

There's also a Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) near the middle, and an Eastern Towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus)2 at the end. You may need to turn the sound up to hear them.

I wasn't even aware of the background highway noise until I uploaded the video. I'm not sure if the camera is just sensitive to it, or if I've desensitized myself to the point I no longer notice it.


1That's my workshop, aka Handmade Soap General, that you see through the cedar. Hubby calls it the Soap Empire sometimes, especially when saying things like, "When is this Soap Empire is ever going to make us any money?"

2The bird formerly known as the Rufous-sided Towhee. He's the one singing, "drink your teaaaaaaa".


P.S. To everyone who didn't call yesterday: we're fine. An F2 tornado came through the county in the morning, but didn't touch down too near us. We got a little hail though. And a lot of phone calls afterwards.


  1. i'm glad you and the blackbird survived the tornado

  2. Anonymous7:38 PM

    I loved hearing the Red-winged Blackbird call back to you! We all seem to ignore those noises that are so constant! Great job

  3. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Sorry I didn't call. Must have misplaced your number. I love the sounds of those birds. We hear cardinals in suburbia, but we have to go to the pond at the woods to hear the redwing blackbirds.

  4. We were lucky... there was not even a tornado watch, so we wern't exactly in a safe place. It was over before we realized what was going on!

  5. I think our Red-winged blackbirds have a slightly higher pitched song. I love the way they sing, and lately they've been coming into our yard and singing their hearts out. Sweet. Glad the tornado didn't touch down near home.

  6. Birds definitely have different "accents" in different areas! I remember how blown away I was when I first heard that. Once I got better at recognizing bird songs, I realized it was really true.

  7. Anonymous3:05 PM

    quote: Hubby calls it the Soap Empire sometimes, especially when saying things like, "When is this Soap Empire is ever going to make us any money?" end quote

    Hmm. My DH says the same thing.

  8. Don't know what their problem is! ;)

  9. Glad you're fine after the weather! Heh...I may not help you get rich, but while the "soap Empire" is open, I'm buyin'! You do excellent, fragrant work! ;-)

  10. Thanks Lisa! I'm grinning! :)


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