Monday, March 17, 2008

My favorite billboard

The devil sign is near Montgomery on I-65 north.

Just in case you didn't get the message:

Go to church or the Devil will get you!

We belong to anti-billboard Scenic Alabama, but I think this is one advertisement that everyone can appreciate.

The original sign was even more devilish. Satan was a more dynamic figure, hovering sinisterly, attached only by his scythe. Seemingly more prepared to leap and reap.

The earlier sign was damaged in a storm, I believe. You can see a picture of it here. There's also an audio story at that link -- Scott Simon speaking to the landowner, Mr. Newell, when he temporarily changed the sign during the last governor's race.


  1. Ha! Great sign. I share the sentiment - I hate billboards, but we have a few local ones ones in the country that I am fond of.

    Glad things are good over here! Keep up the wonderful posts. I love reading about your adventures.

  2. I remember seeing this billboard last year when we went to the beach! LOL

  3. Wow, great sign! A few years ago, some college roommates and I took a roadtrip down south and saw tons of similar billboards down I65. I'd never seen anything like them before. Now I have family in Tennessee, and I love driving down to visit if only to count the many hilarious billboards along the way.

    So glad to hear you guys are safe.

  4. This is too great! I'm going to have to watch for it next time I'm down that way.

    Glad you got a picture of it!

  5. That sign is not very far from me at all. I see it very often and after all these years it still makes me giggle. I had wondered what happened to the original sign, I thought the devil might have been stolen after it's origin and age had been made public.

  6. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Very funny Billboard!

  7. One thing I love about this sign is that it wasn't put up by any organization... it's not there to make anybody any money... it's just the product of a man who wanted to share his vision with people passing by. I've never seen anything else like it (on a major highway).

    Randy & Jamie, I wish I could remember which storm it was... and I am just surmising BTW. But I seem to remember driving that way just after a big storm (hurricane or tornado) and seeing the sign messed up. In that audio story it mentioned the sign having been there 10 years, but I really thought it looked much older than that. The style definitely looked like something made in the 50s or earlier.

  8. The only question is:
    Pentacostal or Seventh Day?

  9. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I love those home-made signs. Seen 'em all over FL,GA,SC,NC...

    In my neighborhood, people even make up their own street signs. The county provides street signs, of course, but there's very little lighting and they are hard to see at night. I guess, independently, folks have decided to make their own streets a little more visible. I have been inspired to do the same, but have not MADE the time to do so yet. The goal would be to have people laugh when they drive by, maybe think a little, and I am not sure what I'd do yet.

  10. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Classic Billboard. You live in such a beautiful area. Some of the pictures are absolutely incredible. Keep them coming!

  11. I searched to find the newpaper article I read for you and was unable to locate it. The original devil that was on the sign was much older than the 50's. It came from an a very old chain of petrol stations that I had never heard of, I was concerned as soon as the age was revealed it would go missing and shortly after that it did. The article also mentioned future plans for a large statue of Christ arms out stretched on the large pond as if "walking on water".


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