Thursday, March 20, 2008

Rocky top

The top of our property is a little steep.

And rocky.

I've been there once.

And I wasn't too happy about it.

I don't enjoy heights! (Such a weenie.)

Going up is not the problem... coming down is.

Needless to say, my husband took these pictures. It might be a nice view if the trees weren't in the way.


Check out I and the Bird! Thanks for including me, Clare.


  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    That reminds me a little of the property I had near Gurley at the base of Keel Mountain, near Huntsville. It was about a half-mile long, right up the mountain, but very narrow. I climbed up a couple of times, but the boundary was not marked so I had to guess. It was nice to look at.

  2. looks like pennsylvania! our main crop in our part of th state is rocks!

  3. It would be grand to have a little when I grew up. fond memories of wandering through the trees and catching frogs in the pond.

  4. Yeah, the wrong step there and it would be a rough tumble~ It is pretty though.

  5. Anonymous9:47 AM

    That looks a little like our property too. Except that our trees are shorter, so you have to duck limbs and briars too. We live on the top of the hill.

  6. Now that is a good hill to climb, great exercise to run up and down that one

  7. Hey Karen! that looks like my property! You know, mine goes all the way up to the top of a hill too. I've been up to the top twice I think; it's a workout.

  8. Well - at least if you fell you could catch a tree as you slide down. ...that is, after you smash around like a pinball for a while and slide over jagged rocks.

  9. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Ah, beautiful....

  10. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Looks like you're in my part of the Ozarks there! Do you have any round rocks?

  11. how beautiful. your forest looks very healthy. what would you guess the comparative elevation to the top is?

  12. Mark, I guess a lot of land in north Alabama is like this... I think our boundary goes a little bit over the other side in a few places.

    Lime, I've never been to PA but I guess I'd feel right at home, LOL.

    Pamela, I used to always say that my husband's favorite hobby was looking for land. Then we finally found some!

    KF, I can't remember if I had a traumatic tumble as a child or what. But heights bother me a lot more than they used to.

    Bill, most of our briars and low-limbed trees are at lower levels! :)

    Patty, ack! Should have known someone would say that! :) Really though I think it would be too slippery to run much in the area.

    Annie, I didn't realize you had a hilltop too. Nothing much grows on the top of this one. Some resurrection fern and spotted wintergreen is all we ever found up there, other than the trees.

    Bobby, heh. I can report that there are not enough tree trunks to go hand-to-hand on the way down... otherwise I might not have been so petrified!

    Anon, yep, I can really appreciate it better in photos though. :)

    Pablo, yes, but they are not native here. :)

    Karl, we looked on the topo map, and if I remember correctly the top of the hill is 600 feet above the creek.

  13. Oops, strike that, I checked again, and it's only a 400 ft (122 meter) elevation change.

  14. I'm sorry, but I must say that's breath-taking! I love it. No wonder you're seeing wildlife at all sides. :-)

  15. Love rural. Great pics. Our highest point here is 13 feet above sea level. Come by for a visit.

  16. SG, yeah - there are a few families living on the other side of this hill, but beyond that there are lots and lots of forest.

    Texican, I'm going to guess that you aren't in the Hill country, then! :)

  17. Rurality,
    I'm originally from South Mississippi, but I've been in Texas most of my adult life. I'm in the lower Rio Grande Valley. We have no hills, so I guess it should be called the Rio Grande Delta. We love the Hill Country though.

  18. On our trip to TX several years ago, we drove from B'ham to Llano (Hill country), then down to Austin, then to Corpus Christi. From there we travelled up the coast on the way home. I wish we could have gone down to your area too though... well, maybe next trip! I'd love to go birdwatching that far south.


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