Monday, June 13, 2011


Why don't she write?!


I've meant several times to start up again -- geez, it's been a year! But well... blogs (writing and reading) for me are huge time sucks. And Facebook is the huge time suck that I've been abusing most recently.

Note to spammers: that does not mean that you can graffiti my blog with your crummy, spammy links. I still delete those.

Anyway, I'm still alive, though parched with drought. Thinking about starting back up again, or at least posting every now and then.

The photos show something I've been obsessed with lately: I'm on a huge succulent kick, potting them up in thrift-store finds. I can't say which is more squee-inducing, finding new plants, or discovering containers that speak to me (marked way, way down).


  1. I have both sympathy and empathy for your situation. I, too, have reduced my writing to short little blurbs (at least I have not yet succumbed completely to twitter).

    Glad to see you back, if only for a quickie. Hope all is well...

  2. Glad somebody is still out there. :)

    Oh, I succumbed to Twitter too! But I'm not on there much.

  3. Oh my gosh.
    Pablo will be falling all over himself.

    I have avoided Face and Twit, hence the (almost) daily posts at PF.

    What a nice surprise to see you pop up on my sidebar with a new post.

  4. I like the succulents - very nice. Facebook claims most of my online time these days, too. I "liked" your soap site!

  5. Anonymous5:33 PM

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  6. Anonymous5:37 PM

    So glad you're back!

  7. FC, hey, I see Pablo on FB! You should get with the program. :)

    S4M, thanks! I have a friend helping me with succulent instructions... I had cacti as a teenager, but not so much lately. I think the String of Pearls is one of my favorites.

    Thanks, RM. Maybe I'll even post more than once a year. :)

  8. Sigh! (falling all over himself)

  9. I see that several of you are still following my bad non-blogging habits!

  10. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Hey, nice succulents! Cool pots!

    Good to see what's happening in your neck of the woods.

  11. Hey, what a nice surprise :) And yeah, I'm more on FB than my own blog these days. Love love love the succulents!

  12. yay! you're back!

    have you seen the sedum hybrid, "fine gold leaf"? it is ADORABLE. i've been hunting for some since i saw it at a park a few weeks ago.

    and yes, i'm completely addicted to fb too. sigh.

  13. Check your local Lowe's for Fine Gold Leaf! I got some there earlier in the spring.

  14. Hello again! Good to see you!

  15. Facebook claims most of my online time too! Very addictive!

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  16. Heh...mah sister also combs the thrifts to find containers fer her arrangements--an comes up wif' amazin', charmin' thangs.

    I daon FB, bloggin is enough of a time drain.

    Nice to stop in to a new blog.

  17. sell your facebook stock, google+ is the new (social networking site) in town.

  18. Facebook... yeah. Me too. I love your containers and plants : )

    We've not had much rain either and I had to use my water hose for the gardens. It kept them barely alive for a while and then I finally gave up.

    Heat index here yesterday 110...

  19. I use Twitter, but mostly as brief updates to my blog (have it at the top of my blog website). There's just not a lot going on with my life lately that demands more than that brief update daily. Sigh.

  20. Don't know if you remember me : Jenny from the blog bitsandpieces ? I'd like to be able to follow you on Facebook. Is that possible ?

  21. I am glad to see you back!

    I love so much succulents. Fortunately the hungry ants on my garden don't eat succulents!

  22. Always good to see you. Love those pots!

  23. Same to you, fellow slacker! :)

  24. I've been Face-book-ized too...and contemplating a new blog identity for my eventual return. Happy you're still around and making great soaps. Glad to hear I'm not the only one getting weirdo spam comments (in ridiculous numbers at that!)

  25. happy 2012! what's new with you? heeellllllllooooooooooo out there!

  26. wow. you need to dust in here. *sneeze* you know, i just sneezed for real. i'll blame you... hope all's well!!

  27. i sigh as well.. *sigh*


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