Strawberry bush, a.k.a. Hearts a burstin' (
Euonymus americanus). My mother sometimes calls this plant
Wahoo, but the internet says that's the name of a similar, more purplish-blooming plant. That kind of spoils my fun, since I liked to yell
wahoo! whenever I found one.

I think this one is Grass-leafed Golden-Aster (
Heterotheca graminifolia or
Pityopsis graminifolia, I'm not sure which name is the more current.)

This one shows the grass-like leaves.

Great Blue Lobelia (
Lobelia siphilitica).

I was about to call this one White snakeroot (
Eupatorium rugosum), until I realized that the leaves are wrong for that. It's actually Boneset (
Eupatorium perfoliatum altissimum). (Thanks
Ontario Wanderer for that correction! I didn't realize there were different types of Boneset.)

Same thing, whole plant.

The Ironweed (
Vernonia altissima) is still hanging in there. I saw five Monarch butterflies on it at the same time - very nice since we don't see near the numbers that we used to.

White Crownbeard, a.k.a. Frostweed (
Verbesina virginica).

A yellow composite that I've yet to figure out the name of.

Some asters I'm not going to get specific about.
The pics aren't as spiffy as I'd like... I set the camera to a tiny spot-meter and kind of forgot. So most of them were too dark, and were grainy and had to be manipulated.
The goldenrod and the ragweed are blooming too, but I didn't get pics of those.