I have a new computer that's taking a little getting used to. The pros are obvious: My m and n keys are no longer worn out, the case isn't cracked at the seams, and boy, is it zippy fast.
Really the only con is that many things work differently. As an official old person, I think I'm obliged to resist change. Or whine about it a little, at least.
Photoshop Elements will do so much more than my old mini-featured generic program. I couldn't resist the urge to make my bug photo look like a cartoon, as you see. But the features aren't intuitively obvious, and they're not much like the old Photoshop 3 I used to know.
You people with wide-screen computers were so sweet not to tell me how off-kilter I've been. I like my new screen, but some things (mainly my blog header) appear centered incorrectly. I haven't figured out how to fix that yet.
The screen is also very bright. So I may have trouble getting the photo levels right for a while.
I have a spiffy new Bluetooth mouse. No cords, it's great! But it has a bit of a tendency to drift to the left all on its own when I use my usual sofa-pillow-as-mousepad.
I will figure it all out eventually.
Congrats on the new machine! Did you go from XP to Vista?
I upgraded my laptop this past spring, and while I love the hardware, I'm still not fully sold on Vista...
Yep! And not only that, but I got Vista 64 bit, and apparently a lot of programs won't work with that yet. Like ZoneAlarm, the firewall I was using... like the enhanced image viewer on Ancestry... etc. I'm hoping it won't be long before they get caught up. I'm using another firewall now that's supposed to be even better, but it is a lot more complicated.
The a and s keys on my old computer had worn away. There is even a novel called Ella Minnow Pea (L-M-N-O-P, get it?) that deals with a community that is restricted from using certain letters of the alphabet. The blogging world would come to an end!
I would like a new computer, but I so do not want to switch to Vista. So I keep hoping this one will carry me for a while longer.
Love the cartoon.
Double gadget envy now ... DR field and brush mower and now a new computer.
Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about the DR mower. I'm envious too.
Nice photoshop effect on that pic. I'm still using Photoshop 7-- I think Adobe has moved on about five upgrades beyond that.
On my old ibook laptop most of the letters have worn away. Even the clear tape over the sharpie letters I carefully printed on the keypads has become curled at the edges. Still I press on!
Congrats on the new machine.
Give yourself time--in a little while you'll be wondering why you waited so long!
Congratulations on the new PC! I got Vista a year and a half ago, and I love it. It was a headache at first, but I've learned to use it fairly well. The sharpness of images is a real blessing.
Your photos take my breath away. I love visiting your blog
no matter what I'm told -- I want my mouse with an attached tail. I feel like I'm playing star wars with those other ones.
Lucky you, with a shiny new machine! I love the pic / cartoon of the bug, you could use that for logos, I bet.
Congrats on your new machine. The photoshop was great, but i would also like to see the original pic. next time you do something like that, could they be side to side?
been missing ya, rurality. visit my blog sometime when ya can, k?
"You're worth waiting for," said the subject to his Queen.
Congrats on the new headache/I mean PC! :) I want one next tax check, but I'm "old" too, and not looking forward to Vista. Plus my old PC is a Gateway from 1998, so I shudder to think how transferring of files will go. (I do all my blog posting from the speedy computers at work until then.) The new photoshop bells and whistles look very cool, though.
Congrats on your new computer. Those zinnias were beautiful, and I really like the cartoon effect you put on your bug picture - I've been trying to figure out photoshop for a while and have yet to do something that cool!
Missing you.
Busy soap season?
Hope everything is okay. :)
I think I haven't been here for pretty long time :) but I am back and I am happy to see you coping with new machine. It's painful now, but after ypu learn everything, it will be just so much better than before for you.
Greetings from Poland,
Sometimes computers are the most frustrating fun things. Pat yourself on the back for adapting to the world as it changes.
Does resizing your banner photo help? or cropping?
I found your page, the header looks fine and I'll be stopping in.
It's been a while since you've updated here, karen. Hope all is well. Just checking in.
Wow, that bug pic is spectacular!
I want to send good thoughts and warm wishes your way Karen....been awhile since you've posted and I'm hoping you're just busy. :)
Get the Photoshop Elements 5 Book for Digital Photographers, by Scott Kelby. Best $44.99 you'll ever spend. I was fooling with E5 for 6 months, and didn't learn as much as I did from the book in a week. Unlike most similar books, it's arranged by what you want to do, instead of what sequence someone thinks you should learn. Thus, it's a pick-up-and-do-it book instead of a text.
Sorry I have been away so long... nothing's wrong, just busy busy busy! Back soon, after the first craft show is out of the way.
Where is my Rurality? Art thou taking an hiatus?
Oh - oops. Didn't read your comment above. Sorry. Carry on and have fun at the show.
Thanks for checking in with your readers, Rurality and letting us know you're okay.
Busy is better than bored!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
hullo, I stumbled on ur blog looking for kitten info.(!) And I loved it!
Mebbe some day it'll give me inspiration to leave my own corporate cage?
anyway I hope to re visit ur blog and meantime my best wishes to u n ur LOVELY rural bliss
I'm enjoying your blog. The pictures are amazing. The night came pic are great, too.
Congratulation! Really a nice photo!
Are you okay? Little worried about you missing for so long.
LOL! I'm new to your blog, but really enjoying my visit. "As an official old person", I'm totally with you on this one....I am in dire need of a MAC!!!! Ditch this OLD PC! It's slower than I am!!!
I'm glad there will be more Rurality to come!
I found your blog by accident and sure want to put it on my list. I love the fact that you are from central north ala. and of course you can't say where you are from but I will tell you that I was from northwest of Bham. Live in Va. now so it was good to connect to an Alabama girl. Hope you will check out my blog.
I know the feeling, and I'm pushing 40! It's impossible to keep up with technology ... it's an accelerating pace ... and weirdly, so much of it is free. Have fun with the your new machine: and remember your its boss, not vice versa!
Love your blog and wanted to give you an award. Please go to my blog to get it. And, I'll be stopping by to visit yours often. Be sure to pass the award on to others you enjoy.
um. you okay out there?
we misssss youuuuuu!
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