Sure, lots of people have boats on the river, or boats at the lake.
If you want to be really trendy, try a boat in the woods. It doesn't go very fast, but there's no danger of drowning.
I really thought this boat would have fallen totally apart by now, but she's still hanging in there. (Here it is in 2006.)

It used to say, "Jazz Feeds". I've no idea why anyone would paint an ad on the side of their boat.
This one makes me feel like a sort of tumbledown Walker Evans, only 1000% less likely to take a good photograph.)

Maybe I really should plant something in it.

If you did, that would be
We have a boat in our backyard - actually, we have two! I like yours better.
I read a rather wonderful short story a million years ago about a newlywed couple living in Mississippi. Apparently a walk in the woods turned up a tug boat(!) beached like your boat there. The river had changed course, see, and left some things where they were. That's so fascinating to me: that the mighty muddy Mississippi could up and move, but...looking at that circuitous blue line between LA and MS I can see how it's entirely possible. I wish I could find the story now; it was pretty moving.
Love the unexpected weirdness of the boat!
I saw that FC had commented way back on the first boat post as well. Do you think he has been waiting all these years to use that "oar- ticulture" line?
As far as stuff people dumped on the property in the past, when we were clearing out the burn pile area here we found the remains of several TV's, a xerox machine, and a piano soundboard (complete with wires).
FC, har har.
Elizabeth, let me know if you want to trade. :)
El, cool, let me know if you come across it again. I guess lots of people nearer the coast have hurricane-gifted boats on their land. Or parts of them, anyway.
Shannon, wow your dumpers were more electronic than ours. We've found old bed springs and lounge chairs. And of course lots and lots of glass.
My grandparents had a veritable junkyard in the woods around their house. I don't think anything was ever thrown away. Old trucks, dryers, refrigerators, chicken feeders, tractor parts. I imagine that anyone that ever buys any of that stuff will have a goldmine of potential planting material. I think that I would definately plant something in it. :)
Hey! She's posting again!!!! Yea!! I think you should plant something in the boat.
I recall you posting a photo of this ancient mariner years ago Karen. I think it would make a great flower container.. maybe seaoats? ;)
good to visit again..
(oh, I noticed you have my old blog link up- will add my new one)
It would have to be something that did well in almost total shade...
Cindy, sorry I haven't changed that. Will do! I read from bloglines most of the time nowdays so sometimes I forget.
I think it would be a fantastic planter! If it's in shade, ferns and hostas would be awesome. I saw a boat used as a pond once, I've been hunting for a free metal boat ever since! :)
We found an old boat in our woods, too! I was afraid the kids would mess with it and get hurt as most of the wood was splintered pretty badly. So we took it apart and used the largest pieces of planks to make some nest boxes in the coop. I liked the idea that the boat was finding a new use, but a few years later I opened the barn in the morning tor find them totally smashed. I still suspect the goats and lamb of some sort of wild moon dance but they have never owned up to it. www.ruffledfeathersandspilledmilk.com
There's an old boat in the woods on our land by the river (which at least makes some kind of sense). We also saw one at the sulphur spring a few weeks ago (which might seem to make sense as there is water present, but no -- I wouldn't exactly call it navigable). Seems the woods are a great big boat retirement community.
I love the boat. I wouldn't mind something like that in my garden.
i love your blog what great critter pictures!! thanks for sharing!
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