Friday, April 08, 2005

The problem in the garden

Not originally intended to be hydroponic lettuce.

I think it's actually getting smaller.


Anonymous said...

I need to take my camera out in the woods. I'm having problems posting/replying, so don't know if this'll show up...

Rurality said...

I had a problem getting a picture to load this morning. I ended up signing up for Flickr to do it... did not figure out yet how to make the picture bigger. Now Hello seems to be working again though. What a pain.

Oh yeah you need to try for a picture of your rooster duck too!

Anonymous said...

With all that water at least you won't have to rinse it off before you eat it, tee,hee..

swamp4me said...

Alas, our garden is in a similar state of saturation. If you dare to step between the rows you sink up past your ankles!

Rurality said...

I'm hoping that tomorrow it might be dry enough to try planting the tomatoes we already bought. At this rate we'll have to do everything in containers!

Diane Daniel said...

Great picture and caption! Nice blog!