Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Father's day

On Father's Day, my niece learned to tell fish stories...

then later caught a big one, once she stole her Dad's fishing rod.

The bream's close-up.


My Dad died in 1989. I miss him every day.

My Dad, very young. He lied about his age to join the army before WWII. He was probably about 17 in this picture. His father, who played the saxophone, was his Captain.


robin andrea said...

Your niece is a total cutie pie. Nice fish too.
Lovely photo of your dad. He does look so young. Did he and his dad play music together?

Rurality said...

They were in the band together in the army before the war. By the time I was born, neither of them played any more... don't know why!

My brother played the trumpet in high school, so I guess he was carrying on the blowhard tradition LOL.

Wayne Hughes said...

That's a great tribute to the fathers in all your family's generations. Really appreciated reading it!

Charles said...

Beautiful beautiful photo, of your father. Nice fish too.

Rainypete said...

Lovely pictures. Did your Dad have to lie to play the clarinet too?

Happy and Blue 2 said...

Nice fishing pictures.
That was a nice tribute to your Dad. I miss mine too..

swamp4me said...

Mr. Swamp4me wants to know if that is a green sunfish, Lepomis cyanellus. (We don't have them here.)

swamp4me said...

Hit the publish button too fast...

My dad was in WWII -- stationed in the Philippines. He went in when he was 18.

Rurality said...

Well I really don't know. There were some in the ponds when we got here, but we've bought more to add after the otters chowed down. They were allegedly bluegills and shellcrackers, but this guy really doesn't look like the pics for those, so who knows.

Here's a link to some native AL sunfish (bream) for anyone who's interested though.

Dad was lucky and never went overseas during the war. He was a drill sargent most of the time I think. As hard as that is for me to believe - he was of rather scrawny build - he was also in the MPs at one time. And it's not like he was a tough guy or anything!

Anonymous said...

Joe looked over my shoulder at the bream and said, "Yum!"

My dad lied to get into the army in WW2, too -- sort of. The examining doc listened to his lungs and asked, "Do you have asthma?"
Dad blinked innocently: "Is that something like arthritis?"
The doc asked if he'd had a cold recently and he said "Yes," and that was that. He went to New Guinea and I think the Philippines with the 11th Airborne.

What I'm stumped by is how your father managed to lie about his age and get in and stay in when his father ended up being his captain. I mean, how do you lie about your age to your father?

Rurality said...

Well he knew. He just thought it was ok. Dad's parents were divorced so there was no Mom around to say, "Are you crazy?!"

Karen said...

Wow, he looks older than I remember 17 year-olds being!

I am such a urban princess. I saw the fish pic and thought, "ew, touching a fish! Slimy!" ;)

Anonymous said...

These are nice photos. Enjoyed them.