I'm still not feeling quite up to par. But Eleanor of
Purple Pen has offered up a Copperhead picture in lieu of the one I took last year that I
still can't find. And, she's thrown in a rattlesnake for good measure!
These were both taken at
Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. Great Pictures, Eleanor!
Copperhead snake (
Agkistrodon contortrix)
Timber Rattlesnake (
Crotalus horridus)
Note: I cropped them a little, hope you don't mind Eleanor!
Love that the timber rattler is called "horridus"!
lovely color on the ratteler. hope you feel yourself soon.
Lovely! (As usual.)
Hope you feel better soon!
WOW! They are the BEST!
Hope you get better soon. Do you get to watch cartoons when you are sick?
The snake in my picture today is sick. He has the chicken spots. He ate too many chicken eggs.
Crop away, crop away...
Thanks everybody. I'm feeling much better.
Sara, I was struck by both of the species names on these... if you put them together do you think you'd have a horrible contortionist? :)
Thomas, I like some cartoons that are on nowdays (Pokemon, Oswald), but they never seem to be on when I'm sick. Last time I was really, really sick I ended up watching an "MTV Cribs" marathon.
Thanks again Eleanor... I'm a cropping fiend!
I seem to be getting a few spam comments lately. Strangely, the last two concerned aquariums and hair dryers instead of the usual naughty stuff or "steal your money" places. Sorry if you were subjected to those. I erase them as soon as I see them.
Cool photos! Ya gotta love snakes.
Those are beautiful pics. How does a Brit get such good American snake photos???
I hope the chicken noodle soup worked. I recommend Sponge Bob for sick day cartoon watching.
I hope you were waited on hand and foot while you felt bad.
FC I tried to get the chickens to wait on me but they weren't having any of it. SpongeBob is ok but I think I like Rocko (of Rocko's Modern Life) better.
are those things dangerous?
I am in FEAR of them.
so I HATE them.
are there poisonoue?
just checking.
Oh yes, both of these are venomous. But if you can get to a hospital you won't die. :)
Mostly these two types of snakes will run away from you though.
It's the Cottonmouth (Water Moccasin) that I'm afraid of. I've seen them acting aggressively.
Floridacracker- why thank you.
They were taken upon your shores, and the animals don't seem to mind who they show themselves to in Shenandoah.
Although the Rattler was taken from the safety of the car, and the copperhead had been motionless by the side of the trail for over an hour, judging by the number of people who warned us about him on the way down.
i have a question i caught a snake it is brown with a silverish grae stripe down the cinter of its dack can any one tell me what it is
Tom it might be a garter snake.
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