This poor little Trillium decumbens (Trailing Trillium) made the mistake of growing in an area with an overabundance of grasshoppers. It looks a bit frazzled. I feel the same, when thinking about everything I need to get caught up on in the coming week.
Stormy weather washed out the traditional best-sales-day of our last spring craft show Saturday. But like one neighbor observed, it could have been worse -- the tents could have been upside down. One bright spot was meeting an artist whose work I'd previously admired on her Etsy shop. I spent some more of my George money on one of her pieces similar to this one.
I'm thinking of trying Etsy myself, for one-of-a-kind soapy things, or the "bargain bars" that I normally sell only at shows. (We call them "cosmetically challenged" soaps because we hate to call them ugly.) Just one more item to add to the list of "things I should probably be doing instead of blogging"...
If you like the creepy crawlers, check out the Circus of the Spineless!
I guess Trilliums have some bad days also!
I ended up giving all your soap away last Christmas--wonderful little thank you gifts to friends--so I didn't get to try any myself. I need to check your new line! BTW, all reports were extremely favorable from friends who received the soap gifts.
Soap sale washed out.
Wacka wacka!
looks like slug bait, too. Thats what the slug do to my marigolds etc.
Thanks Nancy, I will!
Tom, bad leaf days I guess LOL.
Thanks Linda, I appreciate the feedback!
FC, not so funny when it's money out of your pocket. :(
Pamela, well could be. I just assumed hoppers because I see a lot of them in that area -- it sounds like rain, with them all hopping away through the leaves!
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