Stupid cows.

Stupid cows.

Stupid cows!
Ack! The neighbor's stupid cows are back! The game camera was full of pictures of cows.
Actually the cows aren't stupid. They're pretty smart -- they know their owner doesn't maintain his fences. I'm just saying "stupid" because I don't want to cuss on the blog.
I was gone all day, so the cows had plenty of time to do some real damage. Then they came back again overnight, and were in the garden before it was even light outside. (Nocturnal cows!)
I considered myself lucky not to have to wash the dog this time, though.
Having raised several for the freezer, I will agree. Cows are dumb. Dumb as dirt.
One morning I was surprised by a knock on my door by a sheriff. His question: Do you have a cow? I answered yes. He told me it was on the front porch of the florist next door. (He was a calf at the time, only about 95 lbs)OMG, I could have died...
I need your help in identifying a bush that grows in your area in open woods. It stands up to 7 or 8 feet and has flowers that look exactly like the honeysuckle vine flower. I've seen white and pink varieties. Any idea? They are in bloom right now.
Cows also get their kicks trying to push down fences! Bulls just jump over or run through them.
Very interesting blog. Glad to meet you and thanks for visiting Selma.
I see you make soap...we have arts and crafts happenings especially in spring and fall.
I remember when those cows (or some others just like them) paid you a visit last year. Stupid neighbor with cows that don't understand fences or boundaries.
KF, they sure are tasty though, huh? :) I've had bbq on my mind...
Barry, you are seeing native azaleas! They are gorgeous, aren't they? I've heard that they are notoriously difficult to transplant from the wild though. There are several different varieties, and some have the most beautiful scent! Here is a key to identifying them.
RR, yeah sometimes I think it's a game to them. Would you believe their owner tried blaming the fence problems on DEER? LOL.
Robin, we finally called the sheriff this time, to document the damage. I hated to waste their time, but the deputy who came said he liked going on calls like that! I think what aggravates me the most is that in four years, the neighbor has never once said "sorry".
If you'd like, I can send Sam over to ride herd on that cattle ;)'Course, he might do more damage to the flora than the cows do.
Oh, well- at least you've got some nice fertilizer working....
I feel yor pain. Our neighbors cows get loose from time to time...the upside I suppose is free cow pies ;)
Grace and DM, yes we were left some lovely fertilizer... but the cows ATE our compost. And half a pile of wood chips.
Stupid owners.... Among other more fitting but less proper epithets! I am sorry you live near such irresponsible farmers. Do they make restitution for the damage? They certainly should. Up here in NY they wouldn't have much choice.
That's too funny -- but I'm sure it is annoying, not to mention destructive. I guess we all have our critter crosses to bear. We have squirrel, bunnies and deer that like to eat at our garden salad bar!
Lemonade out of lemons? Why not slaughter one and put it in the freezer? If I lived close by, I would for half the meat!
IRB, this area is actually by the creek instead of the garden. They wandered all over!
3C, well he offered, but hubby said to forget it. I was most upset about a piece of yard art that had vanished, but hubby found it and fixed it, so I was somewhat mollified. If not for that I think I would have asked them to pay at least a little -- that was the one thing that couldn't be replaced. From what I can tell, the laws here *really* favor the livestock owner.
Diana, we have those too, except not many squirrels - I guess the coyotes eat them!
L&C, the thought crossed my mind! The deputy didn't seem to think we would have a right to go that far, though. :)
I agree with kfarmer-cows are very stupid. After watching our two beef steers (when I was a kid) poop all in their water tank and all over each other, I had no remorse enjoying their steaks! :)
well at least you have the "evidence!"
You might stick your brand on them when they're hanging around.
Does the fence border your property? I think I'd put up a nice fence on my own side if that were me {says the lady who's cow escaped and was found eating the neighbor's fresh new grass}. 'Course, mine's trained to come a running when I call her so I just holler and she comes back.
It's terrible that they were awesome pictures though!
Wow, that's weird that my OLD blogger account still shows up instead of the new one. I'll see if I can change that.
Oh good gravy, now it shows my nickname instead!
I apologize, I have your blogged linked on mine and read regularly but this is the first time I've commented and now I've just plum taken over and messed the whole thing up. Hence the nickname of Loopy! So that was me above, Lisa, but not the Blogger lisa, the Crazy Cow Country Farm Lisa.
I'm just going to put a sack over my head and back slowly out ......
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