Hmm, there's something different about the office this morning...

I think they've brought in some outside contractors.

"Umm, your drawings may be a little late...

... we kind of had an incident."

I guess he heard there would be no bonus this Christmas.
This happened at an office in Birmingham today. Raccoons really did pee on the drawings and poop all over the desks. Animal control wouldn't come, since the racoons were indoors. Did you know that private critter control starts at about $450 per hour?!
(I didn't take these photos - Hubby's co-workers sent them to him.)
Hope they were careful cleaning up that poop -- raccoons can carry a vicious little roundworm that can make people very sick.
Of course, the whole thing is hilarious, particularly since it didn't happen in my office ;) And that is one seriously mad raccoon with its ears all flattened.
Raccoon capture $450, picture of raccoon trashed office priceless!!
Really? 450 dollars? A .22 round costs about 2 cents. My bill would have been 449.96 cent cheaper.
I suppose they frown upon that sort of thing in a cubicle preserve though.
Geez, in Pennsylvania a game warden would come by and catch them for free.
see, this is totally one of those things that is hilarious when it's happening to someone else!
the only animal i've ever shot was a rabid raccoon that was in our yard - and no one would come to get it until it was dead. i tried shooing it into the driveway, so i could run it over but it wouldn't go. i try to stay away from them. (they might also be ericka eating monsters and one can't ever be too careful.)
That is something to remember!!!!!!
What? That looks like the office where I work. Bunch of animals. And that hang-dog look at the end. Just another day at the office.
Lawsy goodness... those critters were having themselves a good time. But, the people finding their mess did not I bet.
This company needs to increase spending on security to prevent future acts of terrorism like this. Another 5% of the annual operating budget is recommended.
And I thought I had it bad when I found a black widow spider under my desk at work. At least the spider didn't poop and pee all over the place.
Very funny...but I suppose in "hindsight", probably not at the time the "presents" were found on the drawings.
We've been having a very skunky holiday season. Le Pepe le Pew's are wandering around everywhere...unfortunately many on busy roads.
Oh my goodness. Seeing the torn ceiling tile, I would have liked to see the shock on the first raccoon's face when he fell through.
I can just imagine the horror of the first person on the scene, too. lol There's a story to tell for those who didn't take vacation this week!
the raccoon that came in our cat door was very neat, but then we had put out cat food for it.
does a taser cost $450?
Yeah, I've worked with that bunch before...very hard to get along with, never can meet a deadline. ;)
Oh puuuuugh!
Merry Racoonmus! ha ha.
omg so funny. We have one raccoon that comes right up to the window begging for food....Swamp is right...roundworm...and distemper are common in certain areas...they are so darned cute though...i love when you hold the food out and the take it with their little hands!
LOL!! That last picture looks like a guy I used to work for. :) We had a bat drop through our ceiling vent here at the hospital, almost on my co-worker's head!
BTW, I agree with Floridacracker...just add a silencer. :)
S4M, oops. I'll bet they didn't know that!
Pam, yeah I can't believe it cost so much for critter control.
FC, yeah probably so!
Dave, I was really surprised that animal control wouldn't come. I don't know if they thought of trying a game warden...
Ericka, did you ever hear that NPR story about the rabid raccoon? Scary!
Linda, I think I'd be peeking around the corner before entering every morning, if I had to work in that building!
Pablo, ha! Yeah that did was really counting on his Christmas bonus, too.
WLB, yes, I don't imagine that cleaning poop was in anyone's job description...
Beth, I never saw that angle. You are right!
RA, yeah but raccoons won't kill you. Probably.
Jill, we've seen more skunks than usual here too. Dead on the road, that is. I've still never seen a live one.
TCE, yeah they missed all the excitement. I wondered if they fell through or pushed their way through... Hubby thinks they fell.
Roger, probably not, but the bill for cruelty to animals probably would...
Annie, ha! They don't look too concerned with deadlines.
Pamela, heh. A Santa hat would have been cute, but I wouldn't have wanted to be the one to try it.
CH, ooh I'd be too scared to try.
Lisa, eek, a bat at work? I think that was on "The Office"!
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