Odd bloom (?) on grass


Beechdrops with host

Spotted wintergreen (Chimaphila maculata)
The leaves are evergreen... it won't bloom til late spring.

Old foamflower leaf Tiarella cordifolia

I keep wanting to make this into the remains of an orchid of some sort. Any ideas?

Say hello to my little friend

I think winter is mostly a non-event this year. We're heading into another warming trend, and we should be greeting March here in Missouri in the 60s.
Test, test, test! OK I think the comments are working again.
Pablo, it's strange because although we had many fewer 'very cold' days, things seem to be about a week behind in blooming, compared to last year.
Great pictures. I don't know what any of the plants are though.
I don't have a clue what that top plant is, but I do like walking in the winter woods and looking down :-)
I just left a comment about your trillium- where did it go? I said lucky you! And wondered if you knew whether it is red or white? Way to early for ours to show themselves in MI. But now, for two weeks, I am in Florida- all different terrain. And sadly, I don't think that is an orchid. Fairly certain. Keep us posted when you get an answer.
My blueberries are blooming now. A freeze now could ruin my little crop.
Great pictures once again! I can't help you with any identification, but they look wonderful, just the same.
From the picture your grass looks like a version of liriope, mondo grass or monkey grass after the purple flowers and/or black berries have fallen off. But, I am not a gardener, so....
Nice to see some spring time and plants - in change from all the snow here in Sweden :-)
The stone looks like a heart...
I tried several times to leave a comment here yesterday (Tuesday), but comments were down. I wanted to say what great photographs you have here. I love the heart-shaped stone.
Thanks y'all. Sorry about the comments being wonky there for a while.
Vicki it's a red one!
So, well you may be right, but this is in the middle of the woods so that would be a little strange I think... but who knows, maybe the birds bring them there.
Yeah I loved that the rock looked like a stone too!
The heart-shaped rock is really fantastic. That with the old foamflower and it looks like Nature planned the whole thing with paintbrushes and magic!
The messages display, but I had trouble logging on. After a few attempts, the home page came up.
Nice pictures!
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