More natural graffiti
Ron, and
Chris all did the same "Things I've Done" type meme. I noted that there were three things I'd done that none of them had.
Since I'm anal, I had to also list the things they'd all three done, that I hadn't:
23. Gotten drunk on champagne (Tipsy, maybe. I don't like getting drunk.)
24. Given more than you can afford to charity (Nope. Geez I sound cheap. On the other hand, I can't remember spending "more than I could afford" on anything for
me either.)
26. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment (Giggling fits, yes, worst possible moment, no.)
29. Asked out a stranger (Too shy, shy.)
36. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking (I think in my dancing days I was always pretty self-conscious about it.)
84. Performed on stage (Not unless you count grammar school stuff. I was brilliant as the tail end of a horse in that Girl Scout skit, though.)
85. Been to Las Vegas
100. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over
101. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge
132. Petted a cockroach (Roach petting is apparently more common than I'd imagined.)
Mom's Peach Crumble
1 egg white
1/2 C sugar (100 g)
1/4 C chopped pecans (40 g)
1/2 C rolled oats (use the one minute type) (45 g)
Pudding part:
1 - 1.1 oz fat-free sugar-free vanilla pudding mix (31 g)
1 C skim milk (240 ml)
1 - 8 oz nonfat vanilla yogurt (Mom uses peach instead) (228 g)
4 medium peaches, peeled & sliced
Beat egg white until stiff. Add sugar, mixing until creamy. Fold in pecans and oats. Spread mixture thinly on cookie sheet coated with cooking spray. Bake at 350 for 10 - 20 minutes. Should be a little brown on top. Remove from sheet to cool. Crumble.
Mix milk & pudding. Stir until thick. Add yogurt & stir. In a small casserole dish, alternate layers of peaches and pudding mix. Top with crumbles. Chill & serve. 8 servings.
I think the crumbles should be held til right before eating, since the pudding makes them soggy before long.
The better the peaches, the better the whole Crumble. I don't think it would be the same with canned peaches. (Come winter I might have to try it though.)
To be so healthy, it's actually really good. I may start listing more of my recipes here since I seem to be developing a tendency to misplace them. (If you've seen my recipe that involves lentils, couscous, an onion, and lots of cumin, please let me know! I thought it was from
Prevention but I can't find it on their site.)
For non-American cooks, I used the recipe conversions found
Never mind about the lentil recipe - found it!