My nieces hadn't drawn me anything in a while, so I put in a request when we were all at my sister's house for dinner.
Budding Artist #1, 2nd grade.

Her drawing:

"Those are the mountains on top," she informed me. "At the bottom you can see the dew drops on the grass." The sun was setting, of course.
Budding Artist #2, 1st grade:

Her drawing:

"That's my sister Windy on her horse," she explained. She has neither a sister nor a horse, but never mind. "They are riding into a canyon. There are birds in the sky. The best part is that you get to finish part of the background yourself."
I didn't have the heart to tell her that I didn't have any crayons, especially none as fancy as theirs.

But wait, there's more on the back:

On the right she'd written "Windy" and the name of her horse, "Seray," which is evidently pronounced "Sarah".
On the left she'd written several other good names for horses.
Stally (the "a" is like the "a" in "at")
Stalllie (the "a" is like the "a" in "father")
Chratr (She told me how to pronounce this, but I've forgotten.)
Lexiy (pronounced "Lexy")
Asyay (I asked her how to pronounce this one, but she had forgotten, just minutes after she had written it out.)
I like to think that she is taking after me in some small way, since I spent half of the fourth grade thinking up really good names for horses. (No, I never had one either.)