False Garlic (Nothoscordum bivalve)
Another "just a weed" plant that I like a lot. Some of the flowers seem to have an odor, and others do not.
Sources differ on whether Nothoscordum bivalve has a fragrance. Possibly some of these are Nothoscordum gracile?

Trailing trillium (Trillium decumbens)
The flat-on-the-ground trillium. In the center, lots of little tongues sticking out at you. (The focus is not as sharp as I would have liked, sorry.)

Large-flowered chickweed (Stellaria pubera)
Better than your average chickweed! At first glance it looks like they have ten petals, but they actually have five that are deeply notched.

Violet wood sorrell (Oxalis violacea)
The leaves look like shamrock - they're in the same family.

Long-spurred violet (Viola rostrata)
I really wonder how these are pollinated, if the nectar is way back in the spur.

Jacob's ladder (Polemonium reptans)
Wow. Those are spectacular photos. What kind of camera are you using?
Ahh, another source of great nature photos.
I've got to get outside with my camera.
You are a great inspiration not only with the lovely photos, but also with your knowledge of nature. Have you ever seen the book 'The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady' by Edith Holden? It reminds me much of what you do.
these are lovely! makes me feel like a kid living in the east again :) - thanks for brightening my rainy, early spring, rocky mountain morning.
Gosh, nice pics! It amazes me that we can have so many wildflowers in common when your waaaaaay down there and we're waaaaaaay up here! And it just makes me jealous that yours are blooming already!
Gosh, nice pics! It amazes me that we can have so many wildflowers in common when your waaaaaay down there and we're waaaaaaay up here! And it just makes me jealous that yours are blooming already!
Thanks everybody!
RD, it's an older Sony Mavica (CD1000). I need to do a faq... I keep saying that but keep not doing it. :)
Anvilcloud, I like your pics too!
Hick I haven't seen that one. Will have to check it out after I get some new glasses... right now I'm close to having to put a book across the room to be able to read it.
Hey Anne you've got such lovely nature out there that it must be hard to stay indoors even on rainy days.
Shannon, I wish I had the skunk cabbage here! It's so cool looking. Thanks for the info - I'd heard that before about blueberries but not strawberries.
Trix, I know what you mean... so many plants have "Canadensis" in their names yet grow perfectly happily in Alabama.
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